


Meno vitu messiah

kaatuuKeskiviikko 04.07.2012 05:26

NONIII :DLauantai 30.06.2012 18:07

Kaljaa ja tbc wow! : D ny o asia meno : D

Pure Perfection *_*Tiistai 19.06.2012 15:00

Taivaallista<3Lauantai 26.05.2012 21:17

all that you wanted to be : coming closer and closer to me
from the grin most serrated our will is created
will sewing seed of the blackest of free flowing blood
now that they're gone we are dead to this world

More lyrics:
All about Psyclon Nine:

NONIIIIKeskiviikko 16.05.2012 16:57

Nyt o si työsopimus tehty :33

Perus vappuTiistai 01.05.2012 11:36

Vieläkin semi humalas : D


Tää on tätä asiallista settiä!

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH :-3Perjantai 16.03.2012 04:15

South Parkin 16 tuotantokausi <3 :3

jotain mitä mietin =)Lauantai 10.03.2012 04:46

I dont know about you but in my opinion even one person can change lives even tough that he might not be special, there's always a possibility for that, no matter if its one or many lives the most important thing is that it changes the world