


joku wilho


« Uudempi -

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 31.07.2010 19:19

i have seven thousand wings and under each wing a dream
a reality refrected from it´s opposite, the void battling
with prismatic emotions indulging in themselves
the self of the many that concocts yet does not finish anything
the many that breaks the surface of the unuttered sea
the sea is severed from the lake from where the whispers emanate
i have seen the many drown in the sea
as they listen to the whisperings of the one

to strive to cross is to drown
this is the enemy
this is the nazi
this is the society
an assassin like a shadow
of desire, apathy
wearing a mask of manyfold rainbows

there is no poetry in such a flow, not a bloodline
just a decapitation of the root of reality
to move from the real is to cut the heart which sprouts
insanity a magnificent terrifying beauty
the beauty of the stain of oil on a corrupted beach
that is not seen, but remains like rot
rot unlike love in the core of you
the rot giving birth to this, a computation of a soul,
a haphazard solution, a nightmare
a paralyzation alike celebration
a chaos in flux moving thru beaches of flesh
breathing thoughts that breathe in/out regardless and because of
the bleeding vein that pumps living oil
disgusting trembling liquid that burns thru your walls
unseen and invisible walls shatter shatter shatter!

you must be given to the ghost of your mother!
you must not remember the voices from before!
you must not see, but do you see
that you are a liar! a liar and a crook! you are a worker,
you are a leader, you are a slave!
you are in an orgy of blindness
reveling in this blindness of the world
you do not see the iris of the heart
that looks into nothing
do not see it, see them, see into, see thru
see past, see car, see flesh, sea bone
be bone sea shallow blue dreaming
thru a crack a flash into black besides white
a stack of living an organ dragged
in a belly red step as stone grey dead
you are dead and birthing dead
you are a malfunction of bone
tissue unliving mutating moving
do you see the see sea seamen flow
follow the purge, thru the rectum drop
like shit, be revealed to
the nothing and all of it
is you existing

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