


I hate it when I wake up in the morning and I don't feel like P. Diddy.

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xDKeskiviikko 11.06.2008 15:44

Tälläisiä haukoja "totuuksia" löysin ;)

Benji <3

-Benji's so hardcore he steals Joel's birthday presents
-Benji's so hardcore he sings Joels parts in songs
-Benji's so hardcore he drinks Diet Coke
-Benji's so hardcore he steals clothes from Joel
-Benji's so hardcore he painted his room pink
-Benji's so hardcore he likes bands he hasn't even heard of

Joel <3

-Joel's so ghetto he carries a used Vodka bottle filled with water
-Joel is so ghetto he borrows sugar from the neighbors.
-Joel's so ghetto that he buys jewelery from the candy machine at the local store.
-Joel is so ghetto he calls Benji Benjizzle.

Billy <3

-Billy's so Gothic....He wears pink eyeshadow.
-Billy's So Gothic he loves the 'Nightmare Before Christmas," because the guys look like him.
-Billy's So Gothic he drives like an old grandma.
-Billy's So Gothic he hates snakes.

Paul <3

-Paul's so innocent he won't leave Good Charlotte, because he thinks that people won't think he's innocent.
-Paul's so innocent he goes to sleep before ten o'clock.
-Paul's so innocent he calls his mom everynight to tell her he loves her.
-Paul's so innocent he reads Benji a book before he goes to sleep.
-Paul's so Innocent...He doesn't like to say he's innocent.

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