


Olen palavasti rakastunut

Korjatkaa toki D: "Bad English"Perjantai 13.04.2012 17:11

World is the beautiful place
But you believe this is against to you
You locked yourself in the tower, where from dragon stolen you
Takes lord of his life to dark mount
Be you
Be you
I'll should understand
In reality The fate loves
Rocky road be unbiased

The sun rises, i run on hedge of temple
Temple of curse and darkness
The sun is shining from the mouth to the cave
Dragon of depression is in there
This howl and emit assets from you

Birds from the sky fight side with me
My weapon is faith and survival is hope
Although the sun left behind of me
As, sun waiting me beyond shadow

In reality The fate loves
This'nt easy but difficult
Be you
Be you
I'll should understand
Rocky road be unbiased

I destroy the dragon, for to you will save
Be alone cannot win war
You are my battle friend, spirit and soul
You fight by my side
We'll overcome the evil

In reality The fate loves
This'nt easy but difficult
Be you
Be you
I'll should understand
Rocky road be unbiased

In reality The fate loves
This'nt easy but difficult.
Be you
Be you
I'll should understand
Fate be unbiased....

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