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tilannekatsausMaanantai 30.03.2009 08:14

I've gained my confidence slowly back.
Now I look at myself from the mirror with a smile on my face.
I don't know what this is, that first I hate myself to death,
and few weeks later I love myself as much as I can.
It's weird.

But just hearing someone speak shit about me,
judge me and laugh at me,
can crush me just like that.

But lately no one has said anything mean to me,
so I'm happy~

I can't get any sleep.

And now I've got something where a sertain person
can't croud into.
But if that person would find out about it,
I would be hated to death.

But whatever, she talks shit behind me already,
and almost no one believes her, so it's cool :>

Okei joo, enkkuu taas iha riittämiin tälle päivälle, öitä gaiz<3

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