


has a serious attitude(problem).

RunMaanantai 11.01.2010 23:03

Will you tell me when your lines are fading?
Cos I can’t see
I can’t see no more

Will you tell me when the song stops playing?
Cos I can’t hear
I can’t hear no more

She said “I don’t know what you’re living for”
She said “I don’t know what you’re living for at all”
He said “I don’t know what you’re living for”
He said “I don’t know what you’re living for at all”

But I will run until my feet no longer run no more
And I will kiss until my lips no longer feel no more
And I will laugh until my heart it aches
And I will love until my heart it breaks
And I will love until there’s nothing more to live for

Will you tell me when the fighting’s over?
Cos I can’t take
I can’t take no more

Will you tell me the day is done?
Cos I can’t run
I can’t run no more

She said “I don’t know what you did it for”
She said “I don’t know what you did it for at all”
He said “I don’t know what you did it for”
He said “I don’t know what you did it for at all”

But I will run until my feet no longer run no more
And I will kiss until my lips no longer feel no more
And I will laugh until my heart it aches
And I will love until my heart it breaks
And I will love until there’s nothing more to live for

And I will laugh until my heart it aches
And I will love until my heart it breaks
And I will love until there’s nothing more to live for

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