


Surrounded but alone

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WhoreLauantai 05.07.2008 16:58

ItÂ’s my life youÂ’re trying to hack
Sneaking behind my back
Trying to open every door
Oh, would you be my baby born?

ItÂ’s my time youÂ’re trying to waste
Playing games in your infernal maze
Failing to become the one for me
Hey, keep fumbling in your eternal haze

Your insensible heart cannot feel
With your longings itÂ’s easy to flee

Beautiful phrases without a meaning
Mysterious meanings without a feeling
Your feelings for that someone else
and you.. falling just to ring the bells

ItÂ’s my place youÂ’re trying to stay
Starting to look for another way
Calling for different direction
Yeah, you can keep your erection

You can always try to kneel
but I have just too much to heel

Beautiful phrases without a meaning
Mysterious meanings without a feeling
Your feelings for that someone else
and you.. falling just to ring the bells

Hurt, Hurt, Hurt!
Paint me with your dirt
Brave girl, brave!
Take your daily shave
Whore, whore, whore!
ThatÂ’s what you are
and nothing more

No way to live like this
You can keep your mess made of bliss

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