


Surrounded but alone

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Losted LandMaanantai 17.07.2006 01:59

Look of despair
Runs through the window
As we drive those metres again
Star named by you
Shines straight to my eye
But still I canÂ’t lie
Maybe I wonÂ’t see you ever again

After that minute
I was in other world
I saw the beauty in her
Eyes that I could die for
Only wish of mine
Is to be with her more

We are moving faster
Second after second
IÂ’m moving away from you
Hoping to hear her voice once again
Maybe I just have myself to blame
I donÂ’t know how to behaiv
When youÂ’re by my side
Atleast I canÂ’t hide

I see sign: “Imatra seven”
IÂ’ve lost my heaven

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