


Surrounded but alone

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[Ei aihetta]Torstai 14.05.2009 00:43

If I'd have just one more night to live
I'd spent is as close to you as possible

Drinking wine for the loneliness
which I've always seek
Tell me about this crazyness
which I've already seen

In nightime I run to the hills
to feed my loneliness
I know.. this silence kills
But words makes just mess

I've been here for a while
it reminds me about those better times
When innocence where blooming together with our passion
It felt like being wanted

Growing twilight of our time
It passed us by
Rising storm ahead of us
Our last piece of lust

Kill, kill, kill me
One more time I ask thee
Kill, kill, kill me soon
Yeah, Yeah, I love you too..

Loneliest child alive
Oh please my god
Let me be me
again.. inside the shelter from the cold world

If I'd have just one more morning to wake-up
I'd spent it as far from you as possible

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