


Surrounded but alone

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[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 29.05.2009 19:20

I can't live with you anymore
wanted to say this a long time ago
You can't understand the meanings in my life
My fragile mind.. you can't understand
Things hurt me special ways.. and I can't live like that

You're unwittingly tearing my mind apart
Slowly seeding the virus inside me
Spirit of hatered running through my veins
You can't see but little by little I am turning into stone

I thought that this thing (you and I)
would be fantasy.. just like illusion
but it turned to be just a crazy delusion

But I've killed angels before
Gained some antagonists over the time
and for those I wan't to say:
"Please, remember my past, remember my life.
Remember angel's lie, remember my last cry"

Boy, made to be alone
Seeker of the truth
Boy, wanted to feel something real
How can I feel anymore?
How can I die just one time more?

Please, let me come home for the very last time

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