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Luminosity - After Tomorrow

Again looking out of my window
just wondering where are you tonight?
How you're doing..?

Today I walked through our yesterday's path
I met you there do you still remember?
..Under the stars
I fell in love with you
This night is devoted
for the dawn of you and me
I hope it will rise
and show us how to fly

We might never say goodbye
You'll be always on my mind
Every tear and every smile
these feelings won't die

You truely are my last and everything
As in the song titled "you are the one"
....Under the stars
I fell in love with you
This night is devoted
for the dawn of you and me
I hope it will rise
and show us how to fly

We might never say goodbye
You'll be always on my mind
Every tear and every smile
these feelings won't die

We might never say goodbye
You'll be always on my mind
Every tear and every smile..
You are everyhting for me
I'll be always on your side
And after tomorrow
I will love you even more
love you even more
love you even more..

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