


is evading all systems of control

Kaapelin TarinaPerjantai 27.02.2009 00:01

A microcosm of the internet wrought a plethora of diffrent codes. As soon as the form had established the rule of law (in terms of bits per second). machines were patented.
Wires warp cyberspace in the approaches in the persons of thousands of wires.
Peoples hair stand up on the end of another king of possible relief seemed supernatural. Perhaps they propagated immigrants to rubber. Most of them streched a wire between the place and he sent an inquiry of the devil. His code was - as he needed to reassure himself - same way wormholes warp.
Today, this is all quite familiar, back in those days it would not have been strung from the inner cor of old BIZARRE ELEMENTS linked by the ADVANTAGES OF DNA.
Company people tend to think
(and do business)
Two units of measurements is simple: oma any modern system, the conversations were usedto establish naked conductors. Now days we demand that the information come to us. This can be with a new title and name: Fastest mother of all wires: And others that take over the countryside. People began to move closer to each other than, say, the hacker. After much trial and error, the cyberspace AND world of commerce and politics were Without rubber. And not possible to wire the world. But in the 19th century, it must have made a scandal that rocked the Victorian world. As laborers., was behind it. And establish businesses and establish rubber plantations and hire ideas that we live in.
The first message
"What the hell am I doing here?"
Information moves in three basic ways: moving bhysical media around, broadcasting radiation through space and sending signals through wires. When the first feeble bits struggeled through the biggest and best wire Until they are down the first undersea cable
or we move to it. Moving to it has rarely been popular (physical spece): the two points at first transatlantic cable projects
clever ways to fit more information onto them
Everything that has occured in silicon Valle in the last couple of decades also occured in the terms of circuits. ITS ORIGINS NAD ITS ENEMIES and is growing rubber plantations. As rubber trees began to Phone JUNGLES OF SOUTHERN cities. Some of the early technologies were also derieved with the same point, even if opposite ends of a wire are. Converting between whese humble looking stuff, or informational purposes? General idea of where the hell we were? Joining the Old World to the New changes the geometry of the brown crud and in more than just the purely electrical sense - it must have MANY USES: PROTECTING WIRES FROM THE Indian Immigrants. This sort of feeling explains why submarine cables are much better.
A web of wires on an open nondescript tentacle of land that streches for 1,000 KM from the rubber plantations to the 26-square bl0cks of useful DNA - almost more catalytic tha anything else.
They merely bought the rubber. They didn't own the signalling techniques. Is suddenly pulled up short and asked "Who tortured the Japanese with some really, really hard rocks?". So far, it was all according to the general plan: coconuts, date palms, banana trees, and above all: rubber became the plant life, and, on the other hand, law was enforced, i.e. where longer wires were strung anything with the least propensity to be used for something - devastatingly powerful. But it sooon became evidentthat it was best to keep the erosive forces of continual tropical rainstorms and dense Chinese market from the hand of the notion unintented.
During and after World War they are furiously wiring up the place and have established the alphabet. The landscape is stalemate between supernovas and the old and new number it got.
In later decades, some countries and companies (the distinction between countries and companies is possible and eroded so long time ago and turned into a paddy telco world) long distance communications in general, became the highest of high tech currency.
What's left are consequences. Few basics like property rights, contracts, and a terribly flaky Link Around the Globe. And sending and receiving became property rights, a bad in mind: find some incarnate that was spun across every modern city on the globe. And there was a somewhat messy transition to those early cables: one early inventor wanted to become very good at it, and soe didin't. Most of those were int the retrospect hazy in the presence they had here. Lost what none find.
One of the fields of scientific inquiry and Undersea cables, and the neignboring lumpy pony, generating many lucrative patents. The market was just a individual wire of insurrection and war with certain long-simmering sonflicts to a rolling cable brought from producers of various ethnicities.
Same connotations as rocket science or nuclear physics of brain surgery fell to brokers.
Communists were eventually made to work, albeit not without founding whole new independence involving a involvement of economic plantatios.
When it comes to the businessmen, gardens around the world make money money off the proceeds and grow the economy and the wire cables: one wire for each letter.
In the Americas, stockpile it at Kew Gardens could rely on a a few ridges of stone that rise almost vertically from the landscape and are still mostly covered with rain forest, notwithstanding efforts by the locals to cut it all down. The flat stuff is all Later, in turn bought it would acquire as low as happens to the south, where it grazes the equator. Propagate it to other botanical avidently has decided that it will be second Internet which is the, then, was many of ha.

Memetic LexiconKeskiviikko 18.02.2009 13:32


Memetic Lexicon

Author: Glenn Grant 1990
HTMLized by Anders Sandberg 1994
Altered and expanded by David McFadzean 1995-1999
Translated to spanish by José Mª Filgueiras 2000

AUTO-TOXIC: Dangerous to itself. Highly auto-toxic memes are usually self-limiting because they promote the destruction of their hosts (such as the Jim Jones meme; any military indoctrination meme-complex; any "martyrdom" meme). (GMG) (See exo-toxic.)

BAIT: The part of a meme-complex that promises to benefit the host (usually in return for replicating the complex). The bait usually justifies, but does not explicitly urge, the replication of a meme-complex. (Donald Going, quoted by Hofstadter.) Also called the reward co-meme. (In many religions, "Salvation" is the bait, or promised reward; "Spread the Word" is the hook. Other common bait co-memes are "Eternal Bliss", "Security", "Prosperity", "Freedom".) (See hook; threat; infection strategy.)

BELIEF-SPACE: Since a person can only be infected with and transmit a finite number of memes, there is a limit to their belief space (Henson). Memes evolve in competition for niches in the belief-space of individuals and societies.

CENSORSHIP: Any attempt to hinder the spread of a meme by eliminating its vectors. Hence, censorship is analogous to attempts to halt diseases by spraying insecticides. Censorship can never fully kill off an offensive meme, and may actually help to promote the meme's most virulent strain, while killing off milder forms.

CO-MEME: A meme which has symbiotically co-evolved with other memes, to form a mutually-assisting meme-complex. Also called a symmeme. (GMG)

CULT : A sociotype of an auto-toxic meme-complex, composed of membots and/or memeoids. (GMG) Characteristics of cults include: self-isolation of the infected group (or at least new recruits); brainwashing by repetitive exposure (inducing dependent mental states); genetic functions discouraged (through celibacy, sterilization, devalued family) in favor of replication (proselytizing); and leader-worship ("personality cult"). (Henson.)

DORMANT: Currently without human hosts. The ancient Egyptian hieroglyph system and the Gnostic Gospels are examples of "dead" schemes which lay dormant for millennia in hidden or untranslatable texts, waiting to re-activate themselves by infecting modern archeologists. Some obsolete memes never become entirely dormant, such as Phlogiston theory, which simply mutated from a "belief" into a "quaint historical footnote."

EARWORM: "A tune or melody which infects a population rapidly." (Rheingold); a hit song. (Such as: "Don't Worry, Be Happy".) (f. German, ohrwurm=earworm.)

EXO-TOXIC: Dangerous to others. Highly exo-toxic memes promote the destruction of persons other than their hosts, particularly those who are carriers of rival memes. (Such as: Nazism, the Inquisition, Pol Pot.) (See meme-allergy.) (GMG)

HISTAMEME: See vaccime. (Morgan)

HOOK : The part of a meme-complex that urges replication. The hook is often most effective when it is not an explicit statement, but a logical consequence of the meme's content. (Hofstadter) (See bait, threat.)

HOST : A person who has been successfully infected by a meme. See infection, membot, memeoid.

IDEOSPHERE: The realm of memetic evolution, as the biosphere is the realm of biological evolution. The entire memetic ecology. (Hofstadter.) The health of an ideosphere can be measured by its memetic diversity.

IMMUNO-DEPRESSANT: Anything that tends to reduce a person's memetic immunity. Common immuno-depressants are: travel, disorientation, physical and emotional exhaustion, insecurity, emotional shock, loss of home or loved ones, future shock, culture shock, isolation stress, unfamiliar social situations, certain drugs, loneliness, alienation, paranoia, repeated exposure, respect for Authority, escapism, and hypnosis (suspension of critical judgment). Recruiters for cults often target airports and bus terminals because travelers are likely to be subject to a number of these immuno-depressants. (GMG) (See cult.)

IMMUNO-MEME: See vaccime. (GMG)

INFECTION: 1. Successful encoding of a meme in the memory of a human being. A memetic infection can be either active or inactive. It is inactive if the host does not feel inclined to transmit the meme to other people. An active infection causes the host to want to infect others. Fanatically active hosts are often membots or memeoids. A person who is exposed to a meme but who does not remember it (consciously or otherwise) is not infected. (A host can indeed be unconsciously infected, and even transmit a meme without conscious awareness of the fact. Many societal norms are transmitted this way.) (GMG)

2. Some memeticists have used `infection' as a synonym for `belief' (i.e. only believers are infected, non-believers are not). However, this usage ignores the fact that people often transmit memes they do not "believe in." Songs, jokes, and fantasies are memes which do not rely on "belief" as an infection strategy.

INFECTION STRATEGY: Any memetic strategy which encourages infection of a host. Jokes encourage infection by being humorous, tunes by evoking various emotions, slogans and catch-phrases by being terse and continuously repeated. Common infection strategies are "Villain vs. victim", "Fear of Death", and "Sense of Community". In a meme-complex, the bait co-meme is often central to the infection strategy. (See replication strategy; mimicry.) (GMG)

MEMBOT: A person whose entire life has become subordinated to the propagation of a meme, robotically and at any opportunity. (Such as many Jehovah's Witnesses, Krishnas, and Scientologists.) Due to internal competition, the most vocal and extreme membots tend to rise to top of their sociotype's hierarchy. A self-destructive membot is a memeoid. (GMG)

MEME: (pron. `meem') A contagious information pattern that replicates by symbiotically infecting human minds and altering their behavior, causing them to propagate the pattern. (Term coined by Dawkins, by analogy with "gene".) Individual slogans, catch-phrases, melodies, icons, inventions, and fashions are typical memes. An idea or information pattern is not a meme until it causes someone to replicate it, to repeat it to someone else. All transmitted knowledge is memetic. (Wheelis, quoted in Hofstadter.) (See meme-complex).

MEME-ALLERGY: A form of intolerance; a condition which causes a person to react in an unusually extreme manner when exposed to a specific semiotic stimulus, or `meme-allergen.' Exo-toxic meme-complexes typically confer dangerous meme-allergies on their hosts. Often, the actual meme-allergens need not be present, but merely perceived to be present, to trigger a reaction. Common meme-allergies include homophobia, paranoid anti-Communism, and porno phobia. Common forms of meme-allergic reaction are censorship, vandalism, belligerent verbal abuse, and physical violence. (GMG)

MEME-COMPLEX: A set of mutually-assisting memes which have co-evolved a symbiotic relationship. Religious and political dogmas, social movements, artistic styles, traditions and customs, chain letters, paradigms, languages, etc. are meme-complexes. Also called an m-plex, or scheme (Hofstadter). Types of co-memes commonly found in a scheme are called the: bait; hook; threat; and vaccime. A successful scheme commonly has certain attributes: wide scope (a paradigm that explains much); opportunity for the carriers to participate and contribute; conviction of its self-evident truth (carries Authority); offers order and a sense of place, helping to stave off the dread of meaninglessness. (Wheelis, quoted by Hofstadter.)

MEMEOID, or MEMOID: A person "whose behavior is so strongly influenced by a [meme] that their own survival becomes inconsequential in their own minds." (Henson) (Such as: Kamikazes, Shiite terrorists, Jim Jones followers, any military personnel). hosts and membots are not necessarily memeoids. (See auto-toxic; exo-toxic.)

MEMEPLEX: See meme-complex.

MEME POOL: The full diversity of memes accessible to a culture or individual. Learning languages and traveling are methods of expanding one's meme pool.

MEMETIC: Related to memes.

MEMETIC DRIFT: Accumulated mis-replications; (the rate of) memetic mutation or evolution. Written texts tend to slow the memetic drift of dogmas (Henson).

MEMETIC ENGINEER: One who consciously devises memes, through meme-splicing and memetic synthesis, with the intent of altering the behavior of others. Writers of manifestos and of commercials are typical memetic engineers. (GMG)

MEMETICIST: 1. One who studies memetics. 2. A memetic engineer. (GMG)

MEMETICS: The study of memes and their social effects.

MEMOTYPE: 1. The actual information-content of a meme, as distinct from its sociotype.

2. A class of similar memes. (GMG)

META-MEME: Any meme about memes (such as: "tolerance", "metaphor").

META-MEME, the: The concept of memes, considered as a meme itself.

MILLENNIAL MEME, the: Any of several currently-epidemic memes which predict catastrophic events for the year 2000, including the battle of Armageddon, the Rapture, the thousand-year reign of Jesus, etc. The "Imminent New Age" meme is simply a pan-denominational version of this. (Also called the `Endmeme.')

MIMICRY: An infection strategy in which a meme attempts to imitate the semiotics of another successful meme. Such as: pseudo-science (Creationism, UFOlogy); pseudo-rebelliousness (Heavy Metal); subversion by forgery (Situationist detournement). (GMG)

REPLICATION STRATEGY: Any memetic strategy used by a meme to encourage its host to repeat the meme to other people. The hook co-meme of a meme-complex. (GMG)

RETROMEME: A meme which attempts to splice itself into an existing meme-complex (example: Marxist-Leninists trying to co-opt other sociotypes). (GMG)


SCHEME: A meme-complex. (Hofstadter.)

SOCIOTYPE: 1. The social expression of a memotype, as the body of an organism is the physical expression (phenotype) of the gene (genotype). Hence, the Protestant Church is one sociotype of the Bible's memotype. 2. A class of similar social organisations. (GMG)

SYMMEME: See co-meme.

THREAT: The part of a meme-complex that encourages adherence and discourages mis-replication. ("Damnation to Hell" is the threat co-meme in many religious schemes.) (See: bait, hook, vaccime.) (Hofstadter)

TOLERANCE: A meta-meme which confers resistance to a wide variety of memes (and their sociotypes), without conferring meme-allergies. In its purest form, Tolerance allows its host to be repeatedly exposed to rival memes, even intolerant rivals, without active infection or meme-allergic reaction. Tolerance is a central co-meme in a wide variety of schemes, particularly "liberalism", and "democracy". Without it, a scheme will often become exo-toxic and confer meme-allergies on its hosts. Since schemes compete for finite belief-space, tolerance is not necessarily a virtue, but it has co-evolved in the ideosphere in much the same way as co-operation has evolved in biological ecosystems. (Henson.)

UTISM: UTism is short for 'us-versus-them-ism.' Dogmatic adherence to a belief system can create an 'us vs. them' mentality in the believer. The 'us' group consists of people who share our beliefs, and the 'them' group consists of those who hold conflicting beliefs. (KMO)

VACCIME: (pron. vak-seem) Any meta-meme which confers resistance or immunity to one or more memes, allowing that person to be exposed without acquiring an active infection. Also called an `immuno-meme.' Common immune-conferring memes are "Faith", "Loyalty", "Skepticism", and "tolerance". (See: meme-allergy.) (GMG.)

Every scheme includes a vaccime to protect against rival memes. For instance:

Conservatism: automatically resist all new memes.
Orthodoxy: automatically reject all new memes.
Science: test new memes for theoretical consistency and(where applicable) empirical repeatability; continually re-assess old memes; accept schemes only conditionally, pending future re:-assessment.
Radicalism: embrace one new scheme, reject all others.
Nihilism: reject all schemes, new and old.
New Age: accept all esthetically-appealing memes, new and old, regardless of empirical (or even internal) consistency; reject others. (Note that this one doesn't provide much protection.)
Japanese: adapt (parts of) new schemes to the old ones.

VECTOR: A medium, method, or vehicle for the transmission of memes. Almost any communication medium can be a memetic vector. (GMG)

VILLAIN VS. VICTIM: An infection strategy common to many meme-complexes, placing the potential host in the role of Victim and playing on their insecurity, as in: "the bourgeoisie is oppressing the proletariat" (Hofstadter). Often dangerously toxic to host and society in general. Also known as the "Us-and-Them" strategy. (See UTism.)


1. The original definition read "parasitically" instead of "symbiotically". Thanks to Tyson Vaughan for making the suggestion.
Share-Right (S), 1990, by Glenn Grant, PO Box 36 Station H, Montreal, Quebec, H3C 2K5. (You may reproduce this material, only if your recipients may also reproduce it, you do not change it, and you include this notice [see: threat]. If you publish it, send me a copy, okay?)
Return the Church of Virus

Here's a memetic glossary from an activist website.

ABCNNBCBS - the increasingly blurred brand names for the same narrow stream of U.S. corporate filtered mass media. This is the delivery system for the advertising product that giant media corporations sell to the general public. This process used to occur primarily through overt advertising, increasingly however it has become a complex web of cross-marketing, branding and self-promotion among different tentacles of the same media empires.

advertising - the manipulation of collective desire for commercial interests. Over the last 20 years as it has grown to be nearly a $200 billion industry it has become the propaganda shell and dream life of modern consumer culture. (See Control Mythology)

articulating values crisis - a strategy in which radicals lay claim to common sense values and expose the fact that the system is out of alignment with those values

control meme- a meme used to marginalize, co-opt or limit the scale of social change ideas by institutionalizing a status quo bias into popular perception of events. The type of memes that RAND Corporation analysts and Pentagon information warfare experts spend countless hours and millions of dollars designing.

control mythology - the web of stories, symbols and ideas which define the dominant culture's sense of normal (including limiting our imagination of social change) and make people think the system is unchangeable.

confirmatory bias - psychological concept in which studies have shown people are more likely to accept/believe new information if it sounds like something they already believe.

defector syndrome- the tendency of radicals to self-marginalize by exhibiting their dissent is such a way that it only speaks to those who already share their beliefs.

direct action at the point(s) of assumption -actions whose goal is to re-frame issues and create infectious new political space by targeting underlyingassumptions

earth-centered - a political perspective through which one defines themselves and their actions in the context of the planet's ecological operating systems, biological/cultural diversity and efforts to re-center human society within the Earth's natural limits/cycles. An emerging term to draw links and build alliances between ecological identity politics, land based struggles, indigenous resistance, earth spirituality, agrarian folk wisdom and visions of sustainable, ecologically sane societies both past and future. (etc.) A politicized acceptance of the sacredness of living systems.

global crisis- the present time in the history of planet earth characterized by the systematic undermining of the planet's life support systems through industrial extraction, unlimited growth, the commodification of all life and emergence of global corporate rule. Symptoms include : accelerating loss of biological and cultural diversity, the deterioration of all ecosystems, the de-stabilization of global ecology (climate change, soil erosion, bio-contamination etc.) growing disparities between rich and poor, increased militarization, ongoing patterns of racism, classism and sexism and the spread of consumer monoculture. Part of the endgame of 200 years of industrial capitalism,
500 years of white supremacist colonization and 10,000 years of patriarchal domination.

image event - an experience, event or action which operates as a delivery system for smartMemes by creating new associations and meanings

meme- (pronounced meem) a unit of self-replicating cultural transmission (ex. ideas, slogans, melodies, symbols) which spreads virally from brain to brain. Word coined by evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins in 1976 from a Greek root meaning "to imitate" to draw the analogy with "gene". "A contagious information pattern" - Glenn Grant. A meme often operates as a container, anchor or carrier for a larger more complex story.

movement - a critical mass of people who share ideas, take collective action and build alternative institutions to create social change.

points of intervention - a place in a system, be it a physical system or a conceptual system (ideology, cultural assumption etc.) where action can be taken to effectively interrupt the system. Examples include point of production (factory) point of destruction, (logging road) point of consumption, (chain store) point of decision,(corporate HQ) point of assumption (culture/mythology) and point of potential (actions which makes alternatives real).

political space- the ability of an oppositional idea or critique of the dominant order to manifest itself and open up new revolutionary possibilities.

psychic break - the process or moment where people realize the system is out of alignment with their values.

psycho-geography - the intersection of physical landscape with cultural and symbolic landscapes. A framework for finding targets for direct action at the point of assumption.

smart meme - a designer meme which injects new infectious ideas into popular culture, contests established meaning (control memes) and facilitates popular re-thinking of assumptions. These are memes that act as containers for collaborative power, reveal creative possibilities for change and help grassroots social movements contest idea space.

subverter-an effective radical who works within the logic of the dominant culture to foster dissent, mobilize resistance and make fundamental social change imaginable

Values crisis- the disconnect between common sense values (justice, equality, democracy, ecological literacy) and the pathological values which underlie the global corporate system

Values shift -a recognition that the global crisis is the expression of pathological valueswhich we will need to change. An area of extreme difficulty to organize since people's values are very ingrained and the values arena is often appropriated by powerful reactionary traditions and institutions. (government, organized religion, patriarchal family etc.)

Xerxes- ancient Persian emperor who despite having the world's largest military force over extended himself and was defeated by the unity and creativity of the Greeks starting a long decline that led to the end of Persian dominance. A conceptual archetype for the fall of all empires. U.S.A. take note.
Principles of Propaganda


Propaganda: Its Psychology and Technique
by Leonard W. Doob
Yale University
Henry Holt and Company, Inc. 1935

pages 413-417

The Principles of Propaganda

1. PRINCIPLE OF THE INTENTION OF THE PROPAGANDIST. In intentional propaganda, the propagandist is aware of his interested aim; in unintentional propaganda, he does not appreciate the social effect of his own actions.

2. PRINCIPLE OF PERCEPTION. The propagandist makes his stimulus-situation stand out from its competing ground.

2a. PERCEPTUAL PRINCIPLE OF AUXILIARY ATTITUDES. The propagandist makes his stimulus-situation outstanding through the arousal of auxiliary attitudes.

2b. PERCEPTUAL PRINCIPLE OF REPETITION. The propagandist repeats his stimulus-situation to increase the probability that it will be perceived.

2c. PERCEPTUAL PRINCIPLE OF SIMPLIFICATION. The propagandist simplifies his stimulus-situation to bring it within the range of perception.

3. PRINCIPLE OF THE TYPE OF PROPAGANDA. The propagandist employs one or all of the following types of propaganda: revealed, delayed revealed, and concealed propaganda.

3a. PRINCIPLE OF REVEALED PROPAGANDA. In revealed propaganda the propagandist enables people to perceive his aim through direct suggestion.

3b. PRINCIPLE OF DELAYED REVEALED PROPAGANDA. In delayed revealed propaganda the propagandist reveals his aim only after he has aroused related attitudes.

3b1. TEMPORAL PRINCIPLE OF DELAYED REVEALED PROPAGANDA. In delayed revealed propaganda the propagandist enables people to perceive his aim at a moment when that aim can be integrated into the previously aroused related attitudes.

3c. PRINCIPLE OF CONCEALED PROPAGANDA. In concealed propaganda the propagandist refrains from stating his aim and integrates through indirect suggestion the aroused related attitudes into a new attitude which predisposes people toward that aim.

4. PRINCIPLE OF RELATED ATTITUDES. In the process of suggestion, the propagandist arouses related attitudes that are instrumental in bringing about the desired integration.

4a. PRINCIPLE OF RELATED DOMINANT ATTITUDES. The propagandist employs attitudes that are already dominant as related attitudes or he arouses related attitudes that remain dominant over a period of time.

4b. PRINCIPLE OF RELATED CENTRAL ATTITUDES. The propagandist arouses related attitudes that are central attitudes.

4c. PRINCIPLE OF RELATED AUXILIARY ATTITUDES. The propagandist arouses auxiliary attitudes that also function as related attitudes.

4d. PRINCIPLE OF VARIATION. The propagandist varies the content of his stimulus-situation, in order to arouse related attitudes in different people and, by changing their stereotypes, to construct new attitudes in others through positive suggestion.

5. PRINCIPLE OF THE DESIRED INTEGRATION. The propagandist secures a desired integration that predisposes people toward his aim.

5a. PRINCIPLE OF THE TYPE OF INTEGRATION. The desired integration is either a central or a segmental attitude.

5b. PRINCIPLE OF ACTION. The propagandist secures a desired integration that leads to action.

6. PRINCIPLE OF THE SPHERE OF UNPREDICTABILITY. Before the desired integration is achieved between the related attitudes and, except in the case of concealed propaganda, the comprehension of the propagandist's aim and before it leads to an action, there is a sphere of unpredictability due to the temporal character of the propaganda, the presence of competing propagandists, and the complexities of the personalities in the group with which the propagandist must deal.

6a. PRINCIPLE OF THE AUXILIARY SUBMISSIVE ATTITUDE. The propagandist reduces the sphere of unpredictability by restricting the mental field through the arousal of a submissive attitude toward a stimulus-situation which has prestige and the effect of which is a tendency towards increased suggestibility.

6a1. PRINCIPLE OF POSITIVE SOCIAL VALUE. The propagandist includes within his stimulus-situation objects and persons with positive social value.

6a2. PRINCIPLE OF THE IMPRESSION OF UNIVERSALITY. The propagandist produces an impression of universality.

6a3. PRINCIPLE OF THE SELECTION OF PROPAGANDA. When the prestige of the propagandist or of the stimulus-situation is not diminished by the revelation of his aim, revealed propaganda is employed; when the prestige is diminished by that revelation, concealed propaganda is employed; when it is diminished by an immediate but not by a subsequent revelation, delayed revealed propaganda is employed.

6b. PRINCIPLE OF INDICATING THE PATHS OF ACTION. In revealed and delayed revealed propaganda, the propagandist reduces the sphere of unpredictability by indicating the paths of action to which the desired integration may lead.

6c. PRINCIPLE OF REINFORCING. The propagandist reduces the sphere of unpredictability by preventing the desired integration from remaining latent or from disintegrating.

6c1. REINFORCING PRINCIPLE OF REPETITION. The propagandist repeats the same or similar stimulus-situations.

6c2. PRINCIPLE OF ADDITIONAL RELATED PRE-EXISTING ATTITUDES. The propagandist arouses other pre-existing related attitudes.

6c3. PRINCIPLE OF ADDITIONAL RELATED NEW ATTITUDES. The propagandist forms new attitudes through positive suggestion by changing people's stereotypes.

6d. PRINCIPLE OF LIMITATION. The propagandist reduces the sphere of unpredictability by limiting the stimulus-situation through distortion, suppression, and fabrication.

6e. PRINCIPLE OF PRIMACY. The propagandist reduces the sphere of unpredictability by producing the initial, relatively stable integration.

7. PRINCIPLE OF COUNTER-PROPAGANDA. The propagandist uses counter-propaganda when conflicting attitudes tend to prevent the desired integration from emerging.

7a. PRINCIPLE OF NEGATIVE SUGGESTION IN COUNTER-PROPAGANDA. In counter-propaganda, the propagandist uses negative suggestion to render conflicting attitudes ineffective.

7b. PRINCIPLE OF POSITIVE SUGGESTION IN COUNTER-PROPAGANDA. In counter-propaganda, the propagandist uses positive suggestion to form new related attitudes that will counteract conflicting attitudes.

8. PRINCIPLE OF PERSUASION. The propagandist uses persuasion as a supplementary method.

8a. PRESTIGE PRINCIPLE OF PERSUASION. The propagandist employs persuasion on people with prestige toward whom later a submissive attitude is directed by other people.

8b. TEMPORAL PRINCIPLE OF PERSUASION. Persuasion supplements propaganda at a crucial moment to bring about the desired integration and action among certain people.

Parhaimmat mindfuck leffatTiistai 17.02.2009 16:52

Eraserhead (ahdistavuuden huippu)
Inland Empire (häiriintynein elokuva)
Lost Highway (tyylikkäintä tärähtelyä)


Naked Lunch (exterminate all rational thoughts)
Videodrome (long live the new flesh)

Neco z Alenky (Svankmajerin versio liisa ihmemaasta)
The Secret Adventures of Tom the Thumb (mieletön animaatio)
Survive Style 5+ (japanilaista häröilyä)
Tetsuo (The Iron Man)
Twelve Monkeys (Terry Gilliam scifi häröilyä)
Dark City (Matrix SR. Kannattaa katsoa director's cut)
Rubber's Lover (NOISE)
Visitor Q (Hit by a brick)
Salo (Sodomized movie)
Naked Blood (kaktuskauhua)

My primary concerns in space and time: That situation which society informs us is named "being alive", or on more intellectual days, "reality"; are Control, Human Behaviour, and an inkling that underlying everything is a web of parallel causes and parallel effects upon which we can exert more manipulative pressure than we are led to believe by the aforementioned Society. Whilst is is true that we did not ask to be here, it is also true that we did not ask to not be here either. Birth and Death at this stage of evolution appear to our everyday senses to be thee only certain points in this maelstrom of "being alive". Thee word being is such a nice word, to be, to be in, being, a state of mind and/or body, it is a rather coumforting and seductive word. Yet like all words it has reverberations. Languages interfacing, wars and migrations cross fertilising, needs to do more that grunt, urges to express more than biological functins and pre-requisites.

History, that which travels thee macrocosm of space and time, lives inside words like an ectoplasmic hermit crab in a stolen shell. Words in turn live inside us too, like more hermit crabs, protecting themselves from discovery of their secret, and words live outside us freeranging in our culture like viruses waiting for an appropriate host. This function has be deeply investigated by W.S. Burroughs in literature, and to a lesser extent through tape and film, and collage works earlier in his career. However, looking back with an overview in 1987, this first layer and its direct symbiotic relationship with all interpretations of control and all thee interactions and permutations it exposes satisfied him and occupied him enough. Brion Gysin, "Thee Master", who largely introduced W.S.B. to this whole scenario, saw further, saw thee other layers, was not satisfied. He studied languages, western and eastern Etymology, had devastating knowledge of European migrations and interactions going back as far as records allowed. He was aware of thee process touched upon earlier. He observed first hand for 23 years thee threads of pulse and frequency generated through Moroccan music. Where thee master musician has certain phrases and sequences of sound that are thee equivalent of a spoken language and guide and instruct thee players as thee music is performed. Music that therefore literally "speaks" of primal roots and impulses of behaviour. That triggers endorphine assisted alpha-wave neurological states that inspire and reveal thee fluidity of occult physics. That all is light, which is nothing more than an idea, and that light is, within that, infinite particles exploding and racing in every direction simultaneously. A quaquaversatility. And that is thee nearest to a key we might get. And from this Brion gave us paintings and drawings which began with thee desert, with desert light. And then seemed at first glance to becoum more abstract, myriad scratchings and markings swirling until he showed you they were thee desert still, thee light itself, thee very particles of sight. And they were thee desert dwellers, thee keepers of thee music, thee speakers of frequency. Thee expressors of magick lore. Thee inhabitants of Pan, drowning in unspoken rituals.


In relation to this event and its primary concerns, "Thee Door" is thee cut-up. There is now a clear representation of thee system that concerns us. Contrary to thee image we are presented with by those Feudal Overlords that administer Control, our society is not yet part of thee 20th century in terms of its comman structure and behavioural inhibitors. Thee great majority of people are to all intents and puposes "serfs" and they exist on thee minimum level of potentiality expansion at which they can function to perpetuate thee status quo. No one conglomerate of businessmen, or politicians, or masonic manipulators control Control. They do however administer its needs. It's an obvious truism that most injustices in our Society are protections of thee vested interests of a minority over thee majority. For hundreds of years thee majority of thee population have been bullied, conditioned, trained, suppressed and censored into subservience.

Into an unconscious yet massibely potent acceptance of thee impossibility of an evolutionary change in human behaviour patterns, in thee impossibility of aspiring to thee maximum growth and repossession of their own innate potential. Control is thee web that traps us and injures our intuitive belief in our selves. Thee word, literature, parallel this process. With a cut-up you can break down thee expected, inherited values and assumptions and retrain yourself to look at revealing possibilities. Describing "reality" more accurately than any linear system. Our languages are linear. Life is not. At any given moment we are recieving input to thee exteroceptors both in obvious ways and less obvious ways. (i.e. Sound enters our body through all its surfaces, via vibration and frequency, not just via thee ears). These inputs contribute to motivation in thee cerebral cortex. Simultaneously to this process memories are being compared to thee new information and thee cerebral cortex then modifies it and adds it to a command for thee subcortical regions. In those sub-cortical regions effectors carry out the command response to thee stimuli. While these neurological functions are taking place, thee body coumtinues its metabolic functions and actions semi-automatically. Random events outside thee Individual's body are also being registered and/or affecting thee Individual. Emotions are triggering and interplaying in thee subconscious. Thee entire nature and state of that Individual is in a state of flux. There is no fixed point, no definition, no finite answer of specific formula. Thee closest to a possibility of describing thee reality of things as opposed to the inherited linear materialistic model of thee state of being alive has to be a kaleidoscopic, integrated, non-linear method. It has to contain, at least implicitly, every possibility, every impossibility, every conscious and unconscious thought, word and deed, simultaneously. Thee Cut-up is a practical way-in to this. Life is quite simply a stream of cut-ups on every level. Given thee discovery of a means to describe and reveal reality, we can also identify Control. Control denies intuition and instinct particularly, and dreams of all forms, randomness, thought. All these and other behavioural and psychological perceptions generate impulses in Individuals to say "Why?", "No" and refuse acceptance. To believe more is possible than they have been (literally) LED to believe. That they need accept nothing until they have analysed and evaluated its value and applicableness to them.


A room means to have space to grow and develop. It is also a physical place, and like all words it is a metaphor too. Thee room is where you are, and where you want to be. To go into thee room is to choose to reclaim yourself. Until people learn to respect themselves again, to care for themselves, to treasure emotions and feelings. To have self-esteem and accept no one else's suggestion of what it is possible for them to be, what skills they might have and how far those skills can be pushed, to always make up your own mind about what is right for you, what has value to you in every aspect of Life. To re-learn as a new second-nature to make up your own mind and not be directed, intimidated or accepting of any established system of values and behaviour. Until all these processes are returned to an Individual's own control and constantly reanalysed to check against laziness and habit for its own sake there can be no possibility of evolution and expansion for thee Individual and, through them, society. What is needed therefore, is a practical, functional method that effectively deconditions, disinhibits, short circuits a society's behavioral taboos and control. A physical back-up to thee process of always asking why. Accepting nothing as true. It was this quest for a method that led me first towards performance art, within which context E attempted to set myself tasks that forced me to locate barriers and inhibitions related to pain and sexual thresholds, for example. Once identified and measured, E was able to think about whether they were actually useful to me, or were merely inherited. This regimen in turn introduced me to new mental states akin to trance and yoga, and unexpected blocks or embarassments that were illogical to me. Ritualisation fused with impulse and instinct integrated with intuition, an open-minded examination of my most deeply buried and normally inarticulated drives and desires and an approach devoid of preconceptions that re-educated my idea of what E was as an Individual, what my real boundaries were, and what it was possible for me to become. What E had been bombarded with as my self-image by Education, Religion, Society, thee Family and thee Media in their various colluding forms, subtle and blatant, bore no relation to what E experienced and perceived. There are always levels beneath thee level of what we identify as a problem. Suddenly E realised that ritual, and various, previously named, "occult" practices were in fact methods of short-circuiting Control of thee Individual, destroying their coumpliance with what they are trained to expect, want, or aspire to. They were a parallel method in thee medium of Behaviour and self-reclamation to thee Cut-up in Writing, Film and Video and Music. So cultural methods of de-control COULD just as effectively be applied to ourselves. To more accurately describe both how we are at one point in Time, and how we can re-define ourselves from that point on. To be aware of all thee simultaneous factors that must be clearly and honestly allowed free-play for us to work in a focussed accurate manner towards a fully integrated character. That recognises and embraces every aspect of its complex self, free of any self-delusion. That finds its own rations with a complete re-integration of thee conscious and subconscious mind of sexuality, emotion, intelligence, knowledge, relationships, dreams and so on. Not just a developing of so-called logical perceptions, butter a genuinely realistic blending of thee illogical also. And recognises that nothing is fixed, that these ratios are forever changing and should be seen as directions.


Thee person therefore could fight back. And a long-standing tradition of Magick appeared thee most relevant area and structure within which to research and express thee possibilities open to Individual and Collective redefinition and evolution. As Burroughs said about Cut-ups, "How Random Is Random?". Thee picture we get from cut-ups is more accurate than any traditional description. What has always been presented as thee Irrational becoums far more accurate and plausible than thee Rational explanation we are endlessly urged and bullied to accept. Thee psychology of thee unconscious explores thee background of thee so-called rational mind both by disciplined investigation and hysterical dissociation of thought habits.

There is a strong implication that thee essence of Magick is psychointegrative. It re-invests thee Individual with an awareness of psychogenetic history, lets them face and re-evaluate their own responses and perception of themselves. It allows them to be awake and fight subservience and adherence to any and all preconceptions. Thee myths and symbols of thee past were attempts to articulate intimations of what is possible. Thee themes of mythology are not just archaic knowledge- they are living actualities of human beings. They exist as signposts and facets of interlaced themes that together make up human behaviour, character, aspiration and potential. To touch ourselves and respect ourselves against all thee odds is crucial to survival and to appreciation and effective use of thee state of being alive. Thee need is to find a way into thee deepest areas of thee psyche and how it affects and triggers behaviour and response. To redevelop an integrated relationship with our so-called primitive perceptions from which we have been alienated by Society. Western Society has built a norm where unthinkingly thee majority of people deny, ridicule, attack, abuse, trivialise, experience fear of, suppress or consign to novelty any experiences that provide evidence or intimations of their inherited system of explanations being inadequate. Fact, whatever that is, is given credence over dreams; acceptance by a group is paramount, deviation and rebellion generate fear. Those with thee courage to openly declare independence and hope are isolated and scorned. Fame is constantly projected as thee primary motivation for ambition. Every level of our Society is riddled with thee concept of competition, beating thee other person or side, this is reinforced by Capitalism, by Sport, Success in Entertainment and all fields, by Religion and by Politics. Compete, compete. Competition is a variant of aggression. By using ritual, gradually getting a clearer map of every inter-connection of one's conscious and unconscious mind and couming to terms with thee revelation that flux and constant change with no anchors or reassuring formulae and no guaranteed rewards or salvation one can liberate oneself from all thee inherited constraints that nine times out of ten directly or indirectly bolster thee status quo. It literally allows us to face ourselves and face facts. It supplies recognition that within each Individual there are many types and shades of consciousness with diverse intentions and values. By investigating our blocks, inhibitions, real desires and motivations in preconceived moments of Time set aside to explore thresholds of perception and response to check exactly what oneÂ’s limits are and decide if they are oneÂ’s REAL limits, or merely convenient or coumplacent, we can re-assemble and discard as we wish.


To heal and re-integrate thee human character. To set off psychic detonations that negate control. To re-evaluate and value phenomena that appear to defy reason. To retrieve choice in all things. To avoid separation and coumpartmentalism in every aspect and level of Life, internal and external. To always attempt to express as truly as you can what you really feel and think. To locate and identify oneÂ’s skills and develop them. To be aware of human frailties and futility whilst caring intensely. To push to thee edge and struggle to always feel and express more. To despise all forms of coumplacency. To carry through oneÂ’s ideas 24 hours a day for a lifetime. To accept nothing. To assume nothing. To encourage others to repossess themselves and maximize their potential. To exchange and liberate information. To understand and treasure thee preciousness of feelings, emotions and sentiment. To rebuild thee parameters and possibilities of relationships. To locate and choose without guilt or fear oneÂ’s individual and natural balance of sexuality. To change and not see change as contradiction or inconsistency, butter actually how things are and should be. To see Time as an unfixed and irreplaceable resource that one receives only a limited and unpredictable amount of. That that Time must never be wasted or squandered. To try to work towards knowing that you used every second constructively. To seek self-improvement not self-gratification.

Control. Control needs Time (like a junkie needs junk). Time appears linear. Cut-ups make time arbitrary, non-linear. They reveal, locate and negate Control. Control hides in social structures like Politics, Religion, Education, Mass Media. Control esists like a virus for its own sake. Cut-ups loosen rational order, break precopnceptions and expected response. They retrain our perception and acceptance of what we are told is thee nature of reality. They confound and short-circuit Control. All Control ultimately relies upon manipulation of behaviour. In culture thee Cut-up is still a modification of, or alternate, language. It can reveal, describe and measure Control. It can do damage butter that is not enough. Magick as a method is a Cut-up Process that goes further than description. Its is infused with emotion, intuition, instinct and impulse, and includes emotions and feelings. It operates actually within thee same medium, “Behavious”, as Control. It is therefore essential as a system to challenge, emasculate and render impotent thee source of Control itself.

Control Disintegrates. Magick integrates.

Thee idea is to apply thee cut-up principle of behaviour.

Thee method is a contemporary, non-mystical interpretation of “Magick”.

Thee aim is reclamation of self-determination, conscious and unconscious, to the Individual.

Thee result is to neutralize and challenge thee essence of social control.

Genesis P-Orridge, London 1987
Thirsty interviews Genesis Breyer P-Orridge
- By Andrew Lyman

January 4, 2009

Stay Thirsty Media, Inc. - Current News

Genesis lives in New York and tours with PTV3, Thee Majesty, and other projects, in addition to a busy schedule of speaking engagements, art shows, and installations. I talked with Genesis by phone December 18th, 2008.

*Genesis started by telling me about a friend who is a nanny for the second richest family in Istanbul, riding up and down the river on the family yacht, and traveling Laos and Cambodia looking for orphanages to donate to. Timothy Leary and William S. Burroughs are the girlÂ’s godparents.

Thirsty: This is a great pleasure for me. I grew up reading the RE/Search books, and was massively influenced by Pranks and the Industrial Culture Handbook, to the point that I went out and worked with Vale for a summer in San Francisco. I actually think I got there right on your shirttails. It was the summer of 2005.

Genesis Breyer P-Orridge: Oh an Jaye and I went and visited didnÂ’t we?

Thirsty: Yeah exactly!

Genesis: Yeah Vale is an amazing character.

Thirsty: He was fantastic, I really enjoyed getting to spend time with them that summer.

Genesis: And RE/Search has been a really powerful force in cultural engineering too. There’s no question in my mind. When we first hung out with Vale he was doing Search and Destroy, and during our many conversations, we were saying how we’d always had this idea that there’s all this, at that time, hidden alternative culture that's been going on, that people just aren’t aware of, but if they knew about it it would be inspiring, and it would be nice to do something like the old magazines, “Man, Myth, and Magic” where every so often another volume came out and when you collected them all, you had the ultimate alternative encyclopedia. And those conversations are what really confirmed in Vale the urge to do them as books. And of course the first one was the Burroughs, Gysin, TG book which we helped with a great deal. You know, got the contacts, and put him in touch with everybody, and pulled together a lot of the material. Then out of that spilled the Industrial Culture Handbook. Then the really, incredibly influential one of course is Modern Primitives. At the time we met Vale, we were the first people he really knew that had piercings, it was so secret at that time. There was only Mr. Sebastian doing them in the whole of Britain, and Fakir in California, and Florida, and that was it. It was a very secret, primarily gay underground, and it was Psychic TV and T.O.P.Y. that really threw it into the public eye. And none of us knew what was going to happen. My god! Now anywhere you go in the world there’s piercing and tattoo parlors. It’s huge you know, absolutely incredible. And a lot of people forget that in 1991, Mr. Sebastian, who was the person in Britain that we were working with, and several other gay men were taken to the Old Bailey, the most serious court in the land, where they usually try spies and murderers, and they were found guilty of grievous bodily harm to themselves! For having piercings. One guy got 4 years in prison for having pierced his own foreskin.

Thirsty: To themselves they were found guilty?

Genesis: Yes! IsnÂ’t that insane? This was in 1991, thatÂ’s not long ago.

Thirsty: ThatÂ’s not long ago at all! ItÂ’s interesting, flipping back through that book these days, the content of it, compared to piercings that you see are widespread, it gets kind of washed over, but you read stuff like that, you read the context of all this, and itÂ’s totally mind-blowing and revolutionary.

Genesis: Yes. Well thereÂ’s a picture of my ear with a rivet in it with a hole, and again, with piercing jewelry, a gay friend of Mr. SebastianÂ’s would have to make it one at a time. And when we thought of the idea like the hole like that, we had to design the rivet ourselves, and then get it made out of gold. And now you can buy them at every shop in St. Marks, but they didnÂ’t exist before that. ItÂ’s hard for people whoÂ’ve grown up with it to realize how new it is, and how a lot of people have had to fight really hard just for the right to be pierced. In Britain they used this really old law that they found, that certain times in the past soldiers would injure themselves deliberately to avoid going into battle, you know shoot themselves in the foot or whatever, and so they made it law that it was illegal to injure yourself, and an injury would be anything that broke the skin. Thereby a new tattoo was an injury, and a piercing was an injury, and it was equivalent to grievous bodily harm, and thatÂ’s the law they dragged out to try and stop piercing an tattooing in Britain.

Thirsty: They wanted to just completely put a stop to it back then?

Genesis: Yes. They declared it illegal. And as we say they jailed several people, and ruined the lives of other people. One of them was teacher who had pierced himself. He lost his job. He was ridiculed in the media. It was a terrible, terrible attack, and in the original case, there were 13 people that they were arresting through the courts, and one of them was me. And they’d got all the names by going through Mr. Sebastian’s appointments book. And then suddenly my name dropped off that list. And of course, it turned out to be, because they wanted to deal with me separately. And we found out later that was the time they began on the whole strategy to raid my house and stop me being in Britain, encouraging this horrible decadent behavior. (laughs) It’s a wild story, and if we didn’t have all the documentation, it would be hard to believe. But Jaye used to say to me when we would walk down to St. Marks and we would see all these kids with dreadlocks and loads of piercings and tattoos, and she’d look at me and go, “I blame you for this.” (laughs)

Thirsty: I wonder if those kids would have blamed you for it as well.

Genesis: No if you said it to them theyÂ’d just think you were an insane old person telling stories. I mean itÂ’s the same with Industrial Music. Sorry am I distracting you from your interview?

Thirsty: For me? No absolutely not! I hate just asking questions, I much prefer stories. ThatÂ’s what anyone has to share is these stories that we have.

Genesis: Just recently some young students moved in to the apartment downstairs from us, so we went down and said “Hi welcome, we’re your neighbors,” and they gave us a cocktail because we’re all sitting there trying to make friends, and one of them said, of course, “What do you do?” So we said rather shyly, “well we kinda make music, do some art and stuff.” And one of the guys goes, “Oh what kinda music man?” And we said, “well the first band that we were in played music and we called it Industrial Music.” And he looks at me and he goes, “Yeah!” and he pulls up his T-shirt and he’s got a big Nine Inch Nails tattoo on his arm, and we went, “well, not really like that.” (laughs) And he went, “what do you mean?” “Well it was quite a few years before they were Nine Inch Nails.” and he went, “What? What do you mean? I thought Nine Inch Nails was Industrial” and so we thought, it’s not worth trying to explain this, and then the girl said, “Oh like Modest Mouse!”

Thirsty: Wow.

Genesis: (laughs) “No, not really.” But the weirdest thing of all was then she said, “I have over 300 songs on my computer by Modest Mouse that I downloaded.” And so we said “Oh you’re a big fan then?” And she said, “well I’ve not really listened to any.” And it was a really shocking moment for me, to realize how disconnected that generation has been because of the change in the media, you know the internet, and MTV, and all this other stuff, downloading things for free, that they don’t know the story of their own culture.

Thirsty: ItÂ’s totally washed over in the floor of information.

Genesis: They donÂ’t know where anything came from, they donÂ’t know that there was something at the beginning of Industrial Music, and that once it didnÂ’t exist. ItÂ’s completely out of their mind, and that was a bit sad you know, to just think that theyÂ’ve lost that sense of continuity of culture, and itÂ’s gradual organic changing and evolving, and sometimes the collision and clash between underground culture and the status quo. TheyÂ’ve lost all of that, all that excitement, and all of that challenge, and all the information that puts it, as you were saying, into a context, a social context, and thatÂ’s worrying, because itÂ’s much easier to manipulate people if theyÂ’re in a void, if they have no connection with anything, they donÂ’t feel a sense of identity with any community.

Thirsty: Absolutely.

Genesis: ItÂ’s a very strange time for the culture.

Thirsty: YouÂ’ve been at this for so long, and there have been so many changes through how youÂ’ve been doing this, what it started as, what it is now, the culture that youÂ’re working in, the first thing I thought of with you telling these stories, and being blamed for these dreadlocks and piercings, if youÂ’re aware of this and look back at the history, things like PTV, and Throbbing Gristle, and stuff like what Vale was doing with RE/Search, seem like such prescient and central pivot points in what became these diluted cultural movements, and do you have a sense of your place in that history? Is there a frustration with how it trickles out and end up in displays of Nine Inch Nails tattoos?

Genesis: (laughs) Um, it’s a tough one, I don’t know what it was like for you, I’m not sure how old you are, but for me in the 60’s, growing up in the 60’s and actually being in Manchester, which is very close to Liverpool at the time the Beatles and everybody began, and we can remember when they were just the local bands playing in the town hall, or the youth club and things before they even made records, so we’ve had a very blessed, very fortunate perspective of being, somehow, almost always being in the hotspot, you know? Up in the Liverpool/ Manchester area when Beat Music happened and then in 67, 68 moving to London, so we were right in the middle of Swinging London in the Exploding Galaxy with all the Art Lab, and all this new music happening like Pink Floyd, and we were even at Hyde Park to see the Stones in 69, so we’ve been very connected with all of that, and at the beginning of all of that. In terms of the Nine Inch Nails being the beginning of Industrial Music, we heard about William Burroughs, because my English teacher gave me the name of “On the Road” by Jack Kerouac, and my father bought me a copy of “On the Road” at a motorway cafe, it must have ended up there by accident, and then reading that book was inspiring, I thought “who are these people? This is based on true stories.” And then we searched for William Burroughs, and eventually, hitch-hiking to London every other weekend, we’d go around all the porno shops in Soho, and eventually found a copy of “Naked Lunch” in a porno shop.

Thirsty: In a porno shop.

Genesis: It was sort of under the counter, they thought it was pornography because it was banned as obscene at first, and that was where you would also find Henry Miller, and Jean Genet, not in a normal bookshop, but in these porno shops once in a while. And so just to get one book you had to deceive your parents and say you were staying with somebodyÂ’s grandmother in London, hitch-hike down instead of getting the train so you had some money to buy a book, sleep in a doorway, and struggle round and round, walking for hours with no food, finally find the book, and then find a way back home in time to go to school on Monday morning. You know thatÂ’s an amazingly full and kaleidoscopic adventure attached to that one book. And then the book has information that youÂ’ve never been able to access before.

Thirsty: It really connects you to that information too, rather thanÂ…

Genesis: Yeah. Now that’s all been lost because you can just click on a mouse, and the value of information, and the means of applying it to one’s life situation have become much more tenuous and fragile, and that concerns me in terms of the long-term ability of youth culture to rebel. It’s become much more of a, the youth culture today tends to have a much higher ratio of consuming than it ever did, and consuming for its own sake, rather than consuming to gain wisdom. So that worries me. But in terms of the place in all of that process, its difficult, its embarrassing to say “yes, we were the first people to call music Industrial Music,” because it sounds arrogant or self-centered, but it’s the truth. And even though it evolved and mutated into these many many disparate variations, like jazz has many different variations for example, it still broke a stranglehold of a sort of outmoded perception of reality, if you like, it opened up the options for experimentation, at least for some time, and we hope that there’s a residual sense the the culture is more malleable and can be adjusted and can be changed more easily than people imagined in the past. That that’s given sort of a sense of empowerment to people who want to be creative at different times from then on, and that’s the bit that we’re happy about if you like. The bit that we’re most proud of is, maybe we opened up a little doorway, by just bashing on it so hard, and that that doorway maybe remains ajar, and lets through kinds of other people that we can’t even imagine wanted to create. With Industrial Records, one thing we did in the news method was encourage people to send us cassette tapes of what they were doing, and then we would print names and addresses in the newsletters so they could all write to each other and exchange tapes, and that network is still in existence. People are still doing that to this day, in fact it’s becoming more popular now than it probably ever was. And noise music, certainly in the New York area is huge. There’s loads and loads of noise bands, and electronic bands, and sort of abstract lap-top bands, and so on. So the legacy is one more of, not so much individual groups or bands or products, but more a sense of the freedom to be involved in the game of creation. People feel much more able to take part in expressing themselves, communicating with other people, setting up unique ideas and sounds and sharing them, and learning how that can effect things and also how it can enhance the quality or pleasure of their own life. So that’s a good thing to have been part of. It’s the same way with piercing and tattooing too, it gives people a sense that they are reconnecting with their body. You know the all-prevailing socioeconomic power that runs Western society has always tried to police and limit people’s sexuality and their right to choose what happens with their own bodies, weather they’re women choosing and abortion, or anybody wanting to do scarification or piercings that was once upon a time illegal, that’s created a dialogue that that’s an issue, you know? That there is this long thousand year old shamanic tradition of involving the human body in the projection of will in need and desire, and that that should be allowed to be as free as possible, that no government has the right to legislate what you do with your own body. It’s outrageous. So for us it still symbolizes that kind of freedom, even though sometimes it’s become so commonplace it’s mundane. It’s better to have the freedom than not have it.

Thirsty: You feel it just continually edges toward that ultimate goal of personal freedom, yeah.

Genesis: ThatÂ’s what we hope.

Thirsty: ThatÂ’s the goal obviously. ItÂ’s interesting, like you said, noise music is this big thing these days, and IÂ’ve talked to noise musicians and they donÂ’t seem to have, and his is a very broad generalization, but they donÂ’t seem to have a sense of that context and that history of what theyÂ’re doing. TheyÂ’re operating, a lot of them, very much within a style, and itÂ’s a more extreme style, sonically, than whatÂ’s been accepted for a while, but that drive for freedom and divergence seems kind of lacking.

Genesis: Yeah, it’s a strange one, but when we’ve been playing out, Psychic TV lately, the last tour we just did a couple weeks ago in Europe, in Spain and Italy, the audiences were three or four times larger than the years before, and the enthusiasm was incredible. And we’ve noticed that’s been happening everywhere; when we played in New York a couple weeks ago that was true too. The two most common things that people say are, the first one is, “You all look like you’re having so much fun on stage. You’re all smiling, and you laugh an you make jokes, and you look so happy.” Which is, to us is fantastic because it’s true. And the other thing they say is, “We didn’t realize that it could be like this. We’ve never seen anything like it before.” And of course, if they’d been around in 1967, 68, 69, it would have been very commonplace, that a band would try and immerse every sense: sound, light, touch, smell. We would do things in the 60’s where we would have lots of scents, we would have vats of jelly for people to get into naked, and toys to play with, and piles of leaves, and balloons, and smoke, and all sorts of strange sculptures to climb on, and it would be basically almost like a circus of sensory overload, and that’s what we grew up with, so we can’t see why anyone would ever give less, how someone could go onstage in just a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and play for 35 minutes just staring at the floor. That just seems like a real waste of an opportunity.

Thirsty: IsnÂ’t that an interesting reaction though, that weÂ’ve lost sense of that possibility that we have of creating these experiences?

Genesis: No we haven’t lost it, people just got lazy. It’s the bands that should be making the effort because the audience appreciates it, we’ve found that. We’ve traveled all over the world, and it works wherever we go, so the response is there, it’s a natural response. Psychic TV, we create, it’s temporary, but while we are there, we’re creating a safe zone, you don’t have to be cool, you don’t have to be cynical, you don’t have to worry about weather everybody else is looking at you and thinking you shouldn’t be dancing because it’s silly, all these other things that normally effect people’s ability to be lost in the musical experience, and the visual experience, we remove those as fast as we can by being absurd if we feel like it, you know, we’ll stop in the middle of a song and just try and outdo each other with the stupidest dance, and then carry on playing again. And it very quickly sends a message that pleasure can be very powerful, that it’s a great release, and when you release it in a communal setting, there’s a certain bonding that happens, and really a big sense of relief that you can just enjoy yourself, and feel connected to people that in some ways see the world the same way that you do, but in a positive sense rather than in a negative one. Hence our slogan sometimes: “Pleasure is a weapon.” Times change and with them the strategies change, and our sort of massively psychedelic approach that we’re using these days, it wouldn’t have worked in the 70’s when we were doing Throbbing Gristle. Throbbing Gristle came in a time of austerity and hardship, miner strikes, and oil shortages, and people were very scared and very insecure and very angry, Britain had so many riots in that era, so TG was also abrasive and angry, and we were trying to point out the hypocrisy and bigotry of the powers that be, and they’re lack of interest in the well being of people. The message is always ultimately about evolution, but the style or the package depends on the particular moment and the context of its society, and it keeps changing. Same way with Acid House and raves in the 80’s. That was another strange moment where there was almost a zeitgeist of tribalism. People suddenly got rid of the sort of anger and nihilism of punk and decided that they wanted connection again, and they wanted to collaborate, network, and take care of each other which is always to be encouraged. Sadly the music got railroaded into TV ads and the background music of football games. (laughs) But for a little while there, there was a really beautiful moment of communal concern. So whenever those things happen it’s always best to encourage that moment, and hope that some people are forever changed. Many will fall back into habitual ways of being, but some will be changed.

Thirsty: Has it been a fluid progression, or have you hit these moments whereÂ…

Genesis: There definitely seem to be hot spots.

Thirsty: And then do you say, we have to adapt now, or is it just so in tune that this new thing comes out of whatever you have been doing?

Genesis: We seem to have been blessed with sort of an ability to observe the popular culture, and sort of sense when something is pretty much inevitable, that thereÂ’s an inevitable shift coming or happening, and then we try and amplify that, and focus on it, and try and make it happen faster and more usefully, make it have more impact, and draw peopleÂ’s attention to it. And then when we feel enough people have taken note of that, that shift of emphasis in the culture, then in a way our job is done and we look for the next thing. Which is one reason we sort of seem to play hopscotch or leapfrog. WeÂ’ll be really involved in something to a certain point, and then weÂ’ll abandon it and leave it to the mass culture to finish that particular aspect of it while we look for the next thing, thatÂ’s out nature.

Thirsty: The interesting thing with artist that operate in the form of just constant change, you get, I’m sure, “your stuff back in the early 90’s was so great, why don’t you do that anymore? Why don’t you do what you used to do, that was the pinnacle?” And that’s missing the point entirely it seems.

Genesis: Yeah. We do get that a lot, people who tell us which was the best thing we ever did. (laughs) But yeah, it’s a process. We’ve said so many times, even on the back of all the temple records, the process is the product. And that’s very literal, the process of breaking habits, and trying to decondition oneself, even from one’s previous expectations, is quite a struggle. It’s very demanding to abandon something often as it just becomes successful, so that you kind of throw yourself back into poverty every time you’re about to break even. There’s lots of temptation to repeat oneself and become formularized, but in the end, if one has a long-term view of things, and a long-term view of one’s own life, the best thing to do is always keep on trying to change, and trying to evolve, and trying to refine the essence of what it is you’re seeing in the culture that you feel is important. So to fall back on formula and become easily recognized, “Oh that must be a Genesis song,” or “oh that must be a Gen painting because it’s got stripes, and Gen always does stripes.” That’s not what we want. We want people to go, “What is that? That’s interesting. Oh! Gen was involved.” That’s more exciting for us. And we’re very hard to please. We get bored quickly so we’re always pushing pushing pushing at ourselves, and try and find out, what’s the next layer, what haven’t we seen yet, and what haven’t we forced ourselves to confront?

Thirsty: Well thatÂ’s the big question then, whatÂ’s the bigger motivator, that will, or boredom?

Genesis: Um, will. Definitely will. Yeah definitely will. Now things have shifted a little bit because weÂ’re pretty sure that pandrogony is the last big project, and it seems to encompass all the things that went before in different ways, and tie them up into a much more neat, much more meaningful knot. That in the end everything really was motivated by a strange but very real sense of devotion to the human species. That despite being dismayed, and shocked, and upset and embarrassed by a lot of human behavior like war, and cruelty, and so on, that nevertheless, deep down inside is this great love for and great empathy for the human species. WeÂ’re these amazing creatures that have this miraculous ability to build technology, and invent, and discover aspects of physics, and engineering, and biology that are almost God-like in their power and the things that we can do now: little boxes, that you can speak to people anywhere in the world, millions of people talking at the same time, and television, we take all these tools, all these toys for granted, but theyÂ’re all miracles. And the only thing that art should really be about is healing and giving to the human species an evolutionary impetus thatÂ’s not damaging and not negative. Our real destiny hasnÂ’t begun, weÂ’re just moving out of our prehistoric phase, and reaching a point where as a species, we can actually choose how to evolve next: what we can look like, weather or not we'll travel and colonize Space, weather we get rid of politics, and war, and violence, and weather we finally actually just care for each other and become proud and honorable creatures instead of cruel and selfish ones. And there really isnÂ’t any other reason to be here on this planet but to give, and to care, and to try and improve whatÂ’s happening. And everything should be about that really, no matter what itÂ’s name is. So pandrogony for us, for example, is about inclusion, and about the different warring factions, the binary systems finally surrendering to become just one focused new form of being that looks into a future: thatÂ’s about growth, and wisdom, and compassion, and adventure, but always without cruelty.

Thirsty: I canÂ’t imagine a better way to end this. That was a fantastic message of, I feel, everything. Everything youÂ’ve been doing, and have ever done, and certainly why IÂ’ve been so influenced by everything IÂ’ve ever ever picked up or read. I really appreciate it.

Genesis: Finished?

Thirsty: Not necessarily, if youÂ’re happy to keep going, I am too.

Genesis: Well do you have any specific questions about the album?

Thirsty: Well I much prefer what we’ve been doing. I hate to do the music journalist, “How’s the album? How’s the tour been going?” If you would like to take a moment to plug yourself, you’re more than welcome.

Genesis: No no no. ItÂ’s not really our way is it. WeÂ’re very inefficient at commerce. (laughs) No thank you for the chance to speak.

Thirsty: Absolutely. Let me see if thereÂ’s anything, I love that this took a life of its own, I prepared questions beforehand.

Genesis: We were wondering, is your “horserotovator” (my e-mail) is that named after the COIL album?

Thirsty: Yes it absolutely is.

Genesis: ItÂ’s always been a great title actually.

Thirsty: That album really just kind of blew me away.

Genesis: Yeah itÂ’s a classic, definitely.

Thirsty: To answer your thought earlier, I am 25 years old, very much of the generation with no history, but IÂ’ve always been very attuned to, I love history and I love collecting these stories.

Genesis: Thank goodness for people like you.

Thirsty: It’s important. It’s very important because like you said you have people reacting to your shows saying, “wow I didn’t know this was possible,” and there are all these things that we’ve already done as a species, as a culture that are possible, and we just need to reconnect with that.

Genesis: Yeah, and soon.

Thirsty: And soon!

Genesis: A lot of negative forces out there right now so itÂ’s an important time.

Thirsty: Do you find people have trouble accepting this incredibly embedded, far-reaching, and positive message if theyÂ’re coming to you through a door of Throbbing Gristle or something of a much more aggressive time?

Genesis: Yeah. TG fans tend to be the most fickle and nihilistic, thatÂ’s always a problem, because itÂ’s significant, a lot of us are forever excited from the music we discovered in an adolescent peak. For me it was the Velvet Underground, or the bands we were listening to in our late teens, and that always has a very special place in my cultural vision, and my memories, but weÂ’ve always, as you know, been against addiction and against habits, and against repetition, so all we can do is hope that theyÂ’ll let go of that overly sentimental obsession, and try and start the forward moving and forward thinking. Looking into the past isnÂ’t very healthy except sometimes to remind ourselves of mistakes, but getting stuck in a historical moment is counter-productive. WeÂ’re much more in favor of living in the present, looking at the future. What can the future be?

Thirsty: Do you find you have more possibility now or less?

Genesis: No, probably just by the virtue of being older, and having survived for as long as we have, weÂ’re tending to get a few more invites to do a few more various things, like the first week in April, weÂ’ve been invited with Thee Majesty to do an installation and a performance at the Pompidou in France, and weÂ’re going to Istanbul, and Romania, and Russia weÂ’ve been to a few times so just by virtue of continuing to exist, we get a few more opportunities than we used to. We do much more varied things, in the last few weeks weÂ’ve toured weÂ’ve been to Rutgers, Columbia, and NYU giving lectures about pandrogony and doing exhibitions and so on, being a visiting artist. So thereÂ’s a certain increase in people who seem to be listening, and we feel duty bound and honor bound to try and always talk to anybody who says theyÂ’re listening.

Thirsty: Do you think opportunity for exposure is analogous to absolute possibility for change?

Genesis: No. ItÂ’s more just the dialogue with people who feel they also want to be involved in evolutionary change, thatÂ’s the bit thatÂ’s important. Getting the chance to speak with people. We still donÂ’t get put on television, we still have never been played on the radio, that hasnÂ’t really changed at all (laughs). You wont see us on Conan OÂ’Brien as one of the rock bands, or Jay Leno. Sadly, cause IÂ’m sure it would stir things up if they let us on. (laughs)

Thirsty: So you wouldnÂ’t turn em down though?

Genesis: Oh no! No. Absolutely not. Not at this point. Because again, there’s just so many people who just don’t know what’s out there, so if we can sneak through and surprise people with the power and energy and variety of what we do in an unlikely context, it could encourage and inspire a lot of other people, and that might generate change in something as monolithic as the television, cause they’re the hardest ones to crack. And I bet you, if a lot of young people saw PTV3 on TV, full-on live, with the videos, and me in my mini-skirt, it might make them go, “My God, that looks exciting, I want to do that!”

Thirsty: Well itÂ’s interesting, I just shot off an e-mail interview with Gerry Casale from DEVO this week, and I mention that because IÂ’ve had three of my friends from a generation before mine, theyÂ’re all 10 years older than me, and theyÂ’ve all described in exactly the same detail with exactly the same amount of severance seeing DEVO perform on Saturday Night Live, when they were about 10 or 11 years old and just thinking they were absolutely from another planet, and just having this life-changing experience seeing them on the tube.

Genesis: There you go. Yay.

Thirsty: So itÂ’s absolutely a possibility.

Genesis: That would be fun. ItÂ’d be interesting to see what happened (laughs). Ok.

Thirsty: Well IÂ’ll give you a call if I see youÂ’ve got a Conan OÂ’Brien spot coming up.

Genesis: Alright, that would be great.

The Killing JokeTorstai 12.02.2009 21:40

Alan Mooren Batman - The Killing Joke -sarjakuvassa oleva Jokerin laulama laulu:

When the world is full of care
and every headline screams despair,
when all is rape, starvation, war
and life is vile...

Then there's a ceirtain thing I do
which I shall pass along to you,
that's always guaranteed to make me smile...

I go loo-oo-oony
as a light bulb battered bug,
simply loo-oo-oony,
sometimes foam and chew the rug...

Mister, life is swell in a padded cell,
it'll chase those blues away...
You can trade your gloom for a rubber room,
and injections twice a day!

Just go loo-oo-oony,
like an acid casuality,
or a moo-oo-nie,
or a preacher on TV.
When the human race wears an anxious face,
when the bomb hangs overhead, when your kid turns blue,
it won't worry you,
you can smile and nod instead!

When you're loo-oo-oony,
then you just don't give a fuck
Man's so pu-uu-uny
and the universe so big...

If you hurt inside, get certified,
and if life should treat you bad...
Don't get ee-ee-even,
Get mad!

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 27.01.2009 15:33

Buckminster Fuller - "You donÂ’t replace the old. You make it obsolete by introducing a superior methodology."
David Neenan - "ItÂ’s the mutants that make it."

Are You Out Of Your Mind?
able to allow other intelligences to kick in?
donÂ’t worry about understanding, the mind can catch up later.
don't let the mind use you
Stopping the world:

“All experts are blind. Expertise means you become blind to everything else. You know more and more about less and less, and then one day you arrive at the ultimate goal of knowing all about nothing,”
- Osho

“It is wise to have decisions of great moment monitored by generalists. Experts and specialists lead you quickly into chaos. They are the source of useless nit-picking, the ferocious quibble over a comma. The generalist, on the other hand, should bring to decision making a healthy common sense. The generalist must understand that anything which we can identify as our universe is merely part of larger phenomena. But the expert looks backward; he looks into the narrow standards of his own specialty. The generalist looks outward; he looks for living principles, knowing full well that such principles change, that they develop. It is to the characteristics of change itself that the generalist must look. There can be no permanent catalog of such change. You must look at it with as few preconceptions as possible. Languages build up to reflect specializations in a way of life. Each specialization may be recognized by its words, by its assumptions and sentence structures. Look for stoppages. Specializations represent places where life is being stopped, where movement is dammed up and frozen. ”
- Dune

Specialization is for insects.
- Heinlein

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 26.01.2009 15:38

Oshon kirjasta “Autobiography of a Spiritually Incorrect Mystic”. Radikaalien muutosten aiheuttaja.

1. I am not going to tolerate anything that is wrong to my conscience.
2. God is not a thing but a process.
3. Everything belongs to me.
4. Whatsoever the consequences, I am not going to be deviated from myself.
5. Don’t give me advice, - I want to learn on my own, - life has to be learned through trial & error.
6. If I accept death, there is no fear. Only life creates worry.
7. I am not here, I am a nobody, nothingness.
8. Never to allow an unintelligent thing to be imposed upon me, to fight against all kinds of stupidities, whatsoever the consequences. Be rational, logical to the very end.
9. Be more and more alert, so I don’t end up being just intellectual.
10. When I do something, I do it to the very end.
11. What is gone is gone, - I never look back.
12. I am not a man who can be stopped.
13. I am satisfied with something very simple - the very best of things.

Modeling forms the heart of NLP. It is a process of extracting the recipe, the blueprint behind repeatable success. Such recipe typically consists of patterns of beliefs, psychosomatic states and specific behaviors. When modeling from a book, only beliefs are visible (the other two require being with the person), so that is what I have listed above.
Arki on kasa opittuja rajoja
rajat on kuvitteellisia
mielikuvitus on rajatonta
rajattomuus on vapautta

form without force
unbalance in its purest form
exists for its own existence
Qlipoth from the formless void