• I took part in 100ThemesChallenge
    in DeviantArt (:
    They give you 100 words & you have to
    draw a pic which shows that word's meaning somehow..

  • So, I ended up drawing this (: It pictures
    Tristan's & Isolde's love for each other;
    love, that never dies, even tho they are perished!

  • I got inspired by the legend, which says that
    when they died, a rose tree grew on
    Isolde's grave and a vine on Tristan's..

  • This is the second word; Love (:
    I started to think different kind of things,
    that would "show the love", so to speak..
    I didn't come up with anything..

  • ..Until I watched Tristan + Isolde..
    Then the thought striked me; I would
    draw something that pictures their
    undying love for each other; what would be more Love than their story..?

  • ..and the vine entvined itself around the
    tree. And even tho they cutted it, it
    always grew back, showing their love :> <3

  • Surely Romeo & Juliet is an epic love story
    too, but it's so used idea, that I didn't get
    any inspiration out of it : P

  • Alas, Isolde came too late,
    She heard his final breath.
    Her grief, it was too much to bear,
    Her broken heart brought death.

  • ~The Ballad Of Tristan And Isolde~
    By; Rose G.

  • The royal ship sailed ever onwards:
    Across the ocean wide.
    Sir Tristan brought the fair Isold’
    To be his uncle’s bride.

  • Isolde knew no peace of mind,
    No joy by night or day,
    Until she found a magic dr

  • She called Sir Tristan to her side,
    And bade him share it now.
    Their hidden passion now revealed,
    They swore this loving vow.

  • "A love surpassing life and death,
    A love that’s deep and true :
    A love beyond all other loves,
    I give my love to you."

  • The cup they drained so carelessly,
    Forever sealed their fate.
    If only they stopped to think,
    But now it was too late.

  • That ship it came to Cornwall’s shore,
    The lovers had to part.
    To Mark, Is

  • King Mark, he went a hunting
    The lovers met that night.
    The King, he came home early.
    And saw their sweet delight.

  • Sir Tristan, he was banished,
    Isolde’s pleas were vain.
    The lovers must forever part
    To live a life of pain !

  • Sir Tristan fought in battle,
    His wounds ,they would not mend:
    The fair Isolde was summoned
    Her injured love to tend.

  • Stories come and stories go,
    As time forever flies,
    This tragic tale forever lives,
    Of love that never dies.

Tristan & Isolde <3