
Deep frozenTorstai 25.09.2008 12:58

Remember when your heart was not frozen.
Was it you who cried of emotions?
Cruelest game will you lose or win.
But if you´re scared you´ll never live.
Everything feels so unreal.
Drifting outside of your soul cried til you ran out of tears.
Numb scars replaced the mountain of fear.
Happiness turned to cutting pain.
Bitterness, hollowness slowly turned your heart deep frozen.

However frozen, your heart is still beating, sun is still rising.
Want to feel whole again at least to feel something. The rays
to melt your heart to the new dawn long forgotten. Gathered
the pieces of your heart. Locked them in ice chamber, threw away
the key insensible. No more wounds in vain, no more pain.

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