


I Like My Beats Fast And My Bass Down Low

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[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 19.07.2009 17:22

The moonlight
Shines down interstellar beams
And the groove tonight
Is something more than you've ever seen
The stars and planets taking shape
A stolen kiss has come too late

In the moonlight
Carry on keep romancing
Carry on carry on dancing
In the moonlight
Carry on keep romancing
Carry on carry on dancing

You're never safe till you see the dawn
And if the clock strikes past midnight
The hope is gone
To move under

In the moonlight
Carry on keep romancing
Carry on carry on dancing
In the moonlight
Carry on keep romancing
Carry on carry on dancing


There's a magic only two can tell
In the dark night
Ultra violet is a wicked spell
The stars and planets taking shape
A stolen kiss has come too late

In the moonlight
Carry on keep romancing
Carry on carry on dancing
In the moonlight
Carry on keep romancing
Carry on carry on dancing

Moving on moving all night

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