


I Like My Beats Fast And My Bass Down Low

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[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 20.05.2011 00:31

I would toss and turn at night with your voice in my head
Like a broken record, all the words you said
And when I finally fall asleep
You'd find your way in to my dreams
But I would never mind, you see
Cause I'd get to live my fantasy

And I know that we make our mistakes
But you're holding every breath I take
Feeling this is more than fate
So please don't let me go, my baby

I tried my best to get away from you so badly
Knowing that I'd give my heart to you so gladly
But then it came reality
Everywhere I went you came with me
But now I give myself to you
I'm so scared of what you're gonna do

And I know that we make our mistakes
But you're holding every breath I take
Feeling this is more than fate
So please don't let me go, my baby

Keep your arms exactly where they are
I wanna be here
I wanna feel you


Sometimes you don’t know where we’re going
Sometimes I feel you should be crawling back to me
Time is ticking by without us knowing
Before you know it, it will be too late to see

You keep on talking but it makes no sense at all
You try to fake it but you’re breaking every rule
Right from start you’ve always made me feel a fool
The guilt you hide will come between us after all


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