


follow your ♥
It all started on the school bus,
You were 9 and I was 10,
Remember you had a Walkman,
All I had was a middle part and a pen

Oh sweet Louise,
Whatever happened to her?

Then is all went downhill,
You grew tall I stayed the same,
I guess that's just puberty,
Making us boys all play a losing game

Oh sweet Louise

I always found it hard to work things through,
Those school uniforms made a joke,
Made a joke of me and you,
I'm glad I'm not back in school

She got an older boyfriend
Had a beard,
Smoked Marlboro red,
How can I compete with that?
I don't even know the location of the bike sheds

Oh sweet Louise

I always found it hard to work things through,
Those school uniforms made a joke,
Made a joke of me and you,
I always found it hard to work things through,
Those school uniforms made a joke,
Made a joke of me and you

I remember short skirts,
Long hair,
My hormones flying everywhere

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