


This is not a beak, my lovely child. It is a claw! For I am the finger!

Selaa blogimerkintöjä

Normipäivä varkaiden killassaSunnuntai 02.09.2012 10:01


Tatiana Leasbreda tips her hat at you stylishly.

You tip your monocle at Tatiana Leasbreda stylishly.

Tatiana Leasbreda tips your purse into her pocket stylishly :)

You remote to Tatiana Leasbreda: Appelhof von Brassbridge laughs so hard he fells off his chair. The laughter turns into crying when he remembers his purse is gone!

Tatiana Leasbreda returns your purse apologetically. She doesn't return the money though.

You remote to Tatiana Leasbreda: Appelhof von Brassbridge cries some more, but this time they're tears of joy for witnessing such a healthy thieviness. Surely the Guild has a bright future.

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