


This is not a beak, my lovely child. It is a claw! For I am the finger!

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[Hatchet and Entrail]

This looks like a very rough joint. On one wall hangs a hatchet stuck in an entrail. This would indicate that these surroundings are probably the pub known as the Hatchet and Entrail. There is a large, bloodstained counter against the far wall, where a drink could be ordered. All around the place, large groups of rugged-looking trolls, dwarfs and human patrons sit at their tables, sometimes giving you brief unwelcoming glances. There is a broad stairway leading to a large balcony that overlooks the bar.
There are two obvious exits: up and southwest.

A muscular dwarf fighter, a stocky human fighter, a mean human fighter, a fat troll fighter, an angry troll fighter and an angry dwarf fighter are standing here.

The mean human fighter grunts.
A smiling warrior arrives from above.
The door bursts open, and a cloud of dust fills the room.
As the dust settles, a dark figure becomes visible.
A mystical samurai steps into the room, nodachi drawn. A silence falls quickly over the crowd.

The angry dwarf fighter, the angry troll fighter, the fat troll fighter, the mean human fighter, the stocky human fighter and the muscular dwarf fighter loudly say: It's a samurai! Let's get 'im!

The smiling warrior exclaims: Ha, ha!

The samurai exclaims: So be it then. Yu shall die today at the hand of Suramushu!

The angry dwarf fighter moshes up against the samurai violently.
The fat troll fighter moshes up against the samurai violently.
The mean human fighter pounces on the samurai.
The samurai slices his nodachi into the mean human fighter's right arm.
The angry dwarf fighter nicks the samurai's left arm with his two-handed axe.
The samurai slices his nodachi across the fat troll fighter's right foot but his skin absorbs some of the blow.
The mean human fighter grabs you!
The mean human fighter slices at the samurai with her bastard sword.
The fat troll fighter hits the samurai in the left leg with his wooden club.
The angry dwarf fighter chops the samurai's left leg with his two-handed axe.
The samurai impales the mean human fighter's head on his nodachi.
The fat troll fighter grabs the samurai!

... tässä vaiheessa päätin kohteliaasti poistua paikalta ja jättää korstot selvittämään asioita keskenään.

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