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Say hello...Perjantai 31.08.2007 13:46

Why hello there. Say hello to your new English teacher - I got the job!! ^________^

I'm so totally happy! This is a dream job and I really worked hard for it.

On Monday I went to Tampere for the first job interview of my life - and it was in English no less! -__-; I was so effin' nervous when I got there - and I was 15 minutes early. xDD I just gathered all my courage and took some deep breaths, yet still my heart was beating madly and cold sweat trickled on my skin and at one point I felt almost nauseous.

Luckily the interviewer was very nice and at the end he said that if this really was my first job interview I did very well. When I got out of the building the first thing I did was calling my dad and telling him the good news! =D (Yes, I'm so totally 100% daddy's girl. ^__________^)

Tuesday I went to talk to the local nursery's manager and then some other local authorities about the Speaking Out Oy's courses. I feel such an adult right now. xD I wonder how many other young people would be able to do the same as I did this week.. You know, it really isn't so easy to step up from practically nowhere and try to get a very, very responsible position such as an English course leader, and then go marketing the courses for someone who might not be the least interested. Luckily, I've never been one to be afraid of responsibility and am not afraid to go and talk to strangers either. In fact, I've more enjoyed this marketing part of my job.. xD

I'm going to get extremely important work experience and in the past week I've learned so many new English words, because I even made my CV (Curriculum Vitae) in English! And I'm telling you: that was so not easy! >__x

But all that trouble is being rewarded for I got the job, and now my life as an responsible adult really starts. It's really sad to leave the childhood behind, but you can't help getting older. It happens to all of us. Sometimes I wish I could be a ten-year-old kid forever, but some things just aren't meant to be.

Btw. I'm writing this in English, because I figured all the exercise will do good.. xD

Now: hush in the back row! ;DD

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