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One Tree HillTiistai 11.01.2011 15:19

[Nathan is outside Haley's house throwing rocks at a window, Haley walks up behind him]
Haley James: Trying to wake up my parents? That's their room...
Nathan Scott: Wait, Haley, look I need to apologize, okay?
Haley James: You should buy 'em in bulk if your gonna hand apologies out that often.
Nathan Scott: Look will you just... I don't know how to do this all right...? I'm... I'm not like you
Haley James: What does that mean?
Nathan Scott: All right, I screw up a lot, all right... and being around you I just I don't wanna be that guy any more.
Haley James: Well, who do you wanna be, Nathan?
Nathan Scott: I wanna be somebody who's good enough to be seen with you.
Haley James: You should've thought of that last night... You know I keep... I keep putting myself out there and you keep blowing it and it's probably a good thing because at this point there is nothing that you can say or do that's gonna surprise me!
[Nathan cuts her off with a kiss]
Haley James: Except that... You shouldn't have done that Nathan...
Nathan Scott: But I wanted to...
Haley James: Yeah...
[jumps onto Nathan and starts kissing him]

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