


popiskelee ylipopistossa
Which makes me "like, cool".

I have now seen all videos of charlieissocoollike in a row, pretty much. At least all the available ones. I have yet to go through the Truth or Fail videos, which seem Quite Interesting given they're laden with information and are interactive. I'll have a go when I have the time.

(And that video about Tumblr... Yes, I've seen the pictures. I rather like them popping up on my dashboard.)

Also, about every five minutes I either went "CHARLIE Y U SO SWEET?" or "Charlie, you're, like, so cool."

So yes, I did enjoy my vlog-watching experience. Thank you, Charlie, for being mostly utterly adorable and awkward. Makes me feel right at home. (Where I, as a matter of fact, am, but let's not go into that.)

Because this amuses me greatly.

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