


✩ Sun on suotta väristä, käsitä että päälliköt ei välitä. ☠ kik: kebaah

Here we go again, motherfucker.Torstai 21.06.2012 00:50


Come on down and see the idiot right here
too fucked to beg and not afraid to care
Whats the matter with calamity anyways?
right? get the fuck out of my face
understand I cant feel anything
it isn't like I wanna sift through the decay
I feel like a wound
and like I got a fucking gun against my head
you live when I'm dead

One more time motherfucker

Everybody hates me now so fuck it
blood's on my face and my hands don't know why,I'm not afraid to cry
but that's none of your business
Whose life is it? Get it? see it? feel it? eat it? spin it around
so I can spit in his face
I wanna leave without a trace
get out, I don't want to die in this place


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