
The schoolgirl was seen kneeing, slapping and stamping on stunned springer spaniel Jasper in the 13-minute film.

She whipped him with his lead, then stood on his tail with one leg while kicking him with the other.

The girl is seen kicking the pup 14 times, kneeing it 26 times and hitting it with its lead eight times. She slaps it 17 times and stamps on it ten times.

Last night Jasper’s owner Ray Green, in his 60s, choked back tears after seeing the horrific film. Mr Green, who uses a mobility scooter, had let the girl — the daughter of a close pal — take the 18-month-old dog for walks.

But after seeing the video he said she would never walk Jasper again.

Mr Green, of Keighley, West Yorks, said: “I’ve seen enough.

“I can’t believe it. Jasper is a playful thing and is well-treated.

“She was supposed to be teaching him to walk on a lead. What she did is not right. I am really shocked.”

The girl’s family were stunned when they saw the video — and revealed they had thought that she was an “animal lover”. The family has a cat — and had planned to buy the girl a puppy.

Her stunned dad shook his head in disbelief after seeing the film with Mr Green and said: “I don’t understand where this has come from.

Mihin ihmeeseen tää maailma on menossa? Hei 12vee likka hakkaa jo koiran! Huh huh!!!
Minä oisin antanut tolle tytölle kunnolla selkään ja koskaan ei sais omaa lemmikkiä tai mennä eläinten lähelle. Tai kuten tää videon kuvaaja oli sanonut. Mitä kauheeta vois tapahtua jos toi likka ois joskus lapsenvahtina. Hyi miten oikein puistattaa aatella ees koko asiaa!

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