


Trying to untie the knot we thought we were untying our entire lives, we're busied up and burnt out..

ah♥Torstai 23.02.2012 13:57

I don't quite understand my actions. I don't quite understand what's wrong. Stench of sweat and tears. It's time to face my fears.

The taste of metal in my mouth, I feel abused. It's hard to face the truth. A day anew.

Can someone save my soul. Can someone save me now. I'm alone with a loaded gun, please stop me!

I just wish that I was that headstrong. And I wish I could stay with you. I'm cold, my hands are shaking. I'm down, my body's aching.

The taste of metal in my mouth, I feel abused. It's hard to face the truth. A day anew.

Can someone save my soul. Can someone save me now. I'm alone with a loaded gun, please stop me!
I suffered long enough, and when all hope is gone. I'm alone with a loaded gun, please stop me.

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