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olin väsyny ja nauratti :'))Lauantai 06.02.2010 18:48

Chandler: "Hey, hey you're crazy! Okey this is Emily. Emily, is straight"
Ross: "How do you know? We tought Carol was straight before I married her!"
Phoebe: "Yeah.. definetly I don't like the name Ross"
Ross: "What a weird way to kick me when I'm down"
Phoebe: "No, no I just ment for the baby"
Ross: "Oh.. Whats wrong with Ross?"
Phoebe: "Well its just, you know, something like this would never happend to like the Hulk you know"
Ross: "Actually thats not true. In the incredible hulk number 72 doctor Bruce found........ You know.. never mind, my girlfriend is a lesbian!"

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