• Kuvassa:
  • All I need is you by my side ♥ ily

  • I'm here to stay
    I ain't going nowhere ♥


    -NELLLIdon't you worry, cos everything's gonna be
    alright ♥ ily

  • I'm accustomed to you, you're a part of my life
    Everything I told you honey, I've nothing to hide
    You're my little angel, you're my little star ♥
    love u. parasystävä ♥

  • juliaee

    juliaeeNo matter what happens, I can't let you go
    ♥ ily

  • We're made for one another
    Me and you
    And I have no fear
    I know we'll make it through ♥ ily paraskaveri

  • jennaje`

    jennaje`you're fucking perfect
    to me ♥ ily

  • pretty pretty please, don't you ever, ever feel
    like you're less than, less than perfect
    ♥ ily

  • i'd like to be, everything you want
    ♥ ily

The way that you take my breath away, It feels like I’m slowly falling deeper and deeper