


Calle Kristiansson<333

</3Maanantai 12.01.2009 20:29

Aggressively we all defend the role we play
Regrettably time’s come to send you on your way
We’ve seen it all bonfires of trust flash floods of pain
It doesn’t really matter don’t you worry it’ll all work out
No it doesn’t even matter don’t you worry what it’s all about
We hope you enjoyed your stay
It’s good to have you with us, even if it’s just for the day
We hope you enjoyed your stay
Outside the sun is shining, seems like heaven ain’t far away
It’s good to have you with us
Even if it’s just for the day
It’s good to have you with us even if it’s just for the day
Outside the sun is shining, seems like heaven ain’t far away
It’s good to have you with us
Even if it’s just for the day
It’s good to have you with us even if it’s just for the day
Outside the sun is shining, seems like heaven ain’t far away.
Oli silleesti kiva koulupäivä ko kasasin itteni ja menin takas kouluun,
niin sit oli pala kurkussa koko ajan ja oksetti kivasti. :S
Mitenköhän selviän siitä musiikin kokeesta joka on sillon
vuosipäivänä vittu?
No vittu en mitenkään saatana! :o

Heath voitti ansaitusti Golden Globen roolistaan Jokerina,
nyt vielä se Oscar jonka se todellakin ansaitsee.

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