


at the point of no returning

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307.Torstai 22.03.2012 04:01

sometimes i think you're the choice i regret ever choosing.
but then again, there's no one but me to blame for that.

306.Tiistai 20.03.2012 00:37

just look around you - God tells us about himself in so many beautiful ways.

305.Sunnuntai 18.03.2012 04:14

Gosh how i miss you.

304.Lauantai 17.03.2012 22:26

sä näytät upeelta, kai sä muistit mun kellukkeet?

tää mesta ei oo mun kokonen.

302.Keskiviikko 14.03.2012 20:27

and as for me, i'm gonna hold to that for as long as possible.

301. soudellaan, soudellaanTiistai 13.03.2012 00:49

soutaa huopaa vedetään taas nuottaa
kerro miks mä tarviin sua o-o-o
soutaa huopaa edestakas luottaa
ei kumpikaan voi toisiinsa, o-o-o.

300.Perjantai 09.03.2012 19:37

She's broken because she believed.

299.Keskiviikko 07.03.2012 21:02

298.Sunnuntai 04.03.2012 18:33

and still, there's nothing i wouldn't give to get you back.