


you don't get another chance, life is no nintendo game.

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Simple Plan- So happy together. ♥♥Sunnuntai 29.03.2009 01:51

♥Imagine me and you, I do
I think about you day and night, it's only right
To think about the boy you love and hold him tight
So happy together

If I should call you up, invest a dime
And you say you belong to me and ease my mind
Imagine how the world could be, so very fine
So happy together

I can't see me lovin' nobody but you
For all my life
When you're with me, baby the skies'll be blue
For all my life

Me and you and you and me
No matter how they toss the dice, it has to be
The only one for me is you, and you for me
So happy together♥

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