



INSPIRATION!!! I MISSED YOOOOU~!!Perjantai 05.03.2010 14:29 kuuntelee tän tahtiin nii ymmärtää vähä :3

Jonna Kaasinen M07B
5th March 2010 klo: 12:06 pm

IÂ’m youÂ’r broken doll

I'm your broken doll
I fell to the floor
from the skies which you created for me
I didn't manage anything of this and I fell I fell I fell

I lay here in my grave
only this fabric pulled on me
I were youÂ’r favourite toy
now I grow mold and dust on me
when I were still fixed I were youÂ’r favourite toy

IÂ’m youÂ’r broken doll
I fell to the floor
from the skies which you created for me
I didnÂ’t manage anything of this and I fell I fell I fell

I use to dance on the stage by youÂ’r music
these strings on me use to hang me up in the air
in the skies which you created for me
but when my strings snapped and you threw me away

IÂ’m youÂ’r broken doll
I fell to the floor
from the skies which you created for me
I didnÂ’t manage anything of this and I fell I fell I fell

now I sit in here leaning on this card board box
I wait for you to come back to fetch me
before the dogs will rip my fillings out
I still grow mold and dust on me
these strings never managed to carry me forever

IÂ’m youÂ’r broken doll
I fell to the floor
from the skies which you created for me
I didnÂ’t manage anything of this and I fell I fell I fell

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