
ViziMaanantai 21.07.2008 05:30


Once upon a time, a man had to go to the hospital for surgery.
The surgery was for...well, his backside.
The nurse numbed the area with a shot, and warned him that...well, his bowel functions might go haywire.
Sure enough, about 10 minutes later, the man had a horrible case of diarrhea.
He freaked out, completely forgetting the nurse's warning.
He balled up the bedsheets and threw them out the window.
Outside a drunk was staggering home.
The bedsheets landed right on top of him.
Crying out, the drunk thought he was being attacked and he flailed around, desperately trying to get the sheets off of him.
He finally got them off and stomped on them for good measure.
A cop on the corner watched the whole scene and started laughing.
He asked the drunk, "What just happened?"
The drunk stared at the soiled sheets and muttered,

"I think I just beat the shit out of a ghost!"

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