



oSunnuntai 24.02.2013 13:51

Day 23: A picture of a k-pop idol who you think is underrated

oh god, many groups and idols are. Can I answer a group ? I will, either way. Yeah.
I think that 2011 rookie group called M.I.B is underrated.
They make way better music that other rookies made in 2011 and 2012 and they deputed with whole album, not with minialbum or single.
they are amazing rappers and they produce and write their own lyrics.

they are under Jugle Entertaiment, which is also underrated.

but actually, them being a little underground makes them bit better..
busterz fighting!
Day 24: A picture of a k-pop idol who you think is overrated
Day 25: Your favorite k-pop music video
Day 26: Your favorite cover of a k-pop song by another k-pop artist
Day 27: Your favorite dance battle
Day 28: Your favorite cover of an American song by a k-pop artist
Day 29: A k-pop song you never get tired of
Day 30: A k-pop idol that has amazing eye smiles

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