

Käyntejä: 10 052
Kommentteja: 15
735 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 672 (92 %)
Poikia: 63 (8 %)
Sijoitus koon mukaan: 797
31,1 vuotta
Otos: 381 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 30,9 vuotta
Poikien keski-ikä: 32,7 vuotta

Jäsenet (735)

80 päivää!!!! ♥

GLAMBERTsaanko nyt kuolla?????!!!Luonut: GLAMBERTPerjantai 14.12.2012 18:18

GLAMBERT-Luonut: GLAMBERTLauantai 01.12.2012 18:18

Tästä mä tykkään !

antidOteaaaLuonut: antidOtePerjantai 30.11.2012 15:22


22.3.2013, can't wait! ♥

supersannä-- OHJEEESSLuonut: supersannä-Keskiviikko 28.11.2012 21:31

22.3.2013 ADAM LAMBERT <sydän> !!1 oijoijoijoiji mul on varmaa paras isosisko ikin;)

Saatanan_PaskaLoaded Smile♥Luonut: Saatanan_PaskaTorstai 19.07.2012 01:25

If I say I'm sorry
It's just me telling a lie
When you're in my arms
I feel emptier inside
I never felt so satisfied

Everything falls into place but
I think I need a little more time
And yeah I know my life has changed but
Honestly I don't know if we'll survive

A loaded smile
An empty glass
And one last dance

Walking hand in hand
You are all I ever want
And when you're not around yeah
Don't even notice that you're gone
We are barely hanging on

Everything falls into place but I
Think I need a little more time
And yeah I know my life has changed but
Honestly I don't know if we'll survive

Makes me want you baby
Can't you feel it, can't you feel it, can't you feel it?
I do still want to baby
It's a certain kind of complicated
Makes me want you baby
Can't you feel it, can't you feel it, can't you feel it?
I do still want to baby
It's a certain kind of complicated
Everything falls into place but I
Think I need a little more time
And yeah I know my life has changed but
Honestly I don't know if we'll survive

A loaded smile
An empty glass
And one last dance

nannahh!♥♥Luonut: nannahhTiistai 03.07.2012 01:37

lempibändi ja lempiartisti samalla keikalla AH ♥
hitsit mie kuolen!
adam oon ylpeee ♥ linkki---->
Enter link URL

_marshmallow_Aws♥Luonut: _marshmallow_Maanantai 04.06.2012 14:00


_marshmallow_FUUUUUUUU♥♥♥!Luonut: _marshmallow_Maanantai 04.06.2012 13:53

Aww :33 mite joku voi olla noi ihana :D
taas iski sellane et haluun olla jätkä ja homo ja sit olla Adaminkaa yhes♥ ;___; muff ja saan kahen viikon pääst sen nimmärin♥

nannahh!Luonut: nannahhKeskiviikko 30.05.2012 20:58