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fgSunnuntai 18.10.2009 00:42

? Muistatko, missä suutelit ensikertaa? muistan.
? Nukutko alasti? - joskus.
? Oletko koskaan kaatanut joulukuusta? - melkeen,
? Onko sinua koskaan leikattu? - ei
? Luetko sanomalehdestä kuolinilmoitukset? - en
? Oletko soittanut pilapuheluja? - joo
? Oletko hypännyt benji-hypyn? - en vielä.
? Pitäisikö miedot huumeet mielestäsi laillistaa? - ja.
? Laulatko suihkussa? - kyllä :D
? Haluaisitko olla mies vai nainen? - nainen
? Uskotko ihmeisiin? - en
? Oletko koskaan joutunut hautaamaan lemmikkisi? - en onneksi
? Kannatatko kuolemanrangaistusta? - en
? Suostuisitko olla peseytymättä 3 kuukautta, jos saisit 160 000 euroa? - en varmaankaan.
? Tykkäätkö juhlista? - tottakai
? Jos voisit, haluaisitko aina pysyä tietyn ikäisenä? - ehkä.
? Kutiatko helposti? - kyl.
? Oletko koskaan pelastanut kenenkään henkeä? - en
? Koska ärsyynnyit viimeksi? - aamusta
? Koska viimeksi löit jotakuta? - 16.10
? Oletko koskaan sytyttänyt tulipaloa? - en
? Uskotko, että muilla planeetoilla on älyllistä elämää? - en
? Oletko tehnyt testamentin? - oon :D
? Missä maissa haluaisit käydä? - monesaki
? Kuka on tärkein ihminen elämässäsi? - monta
? Onko Titanic hyvä? - on
? Ovatko naiset heikompia kuin miehet? - ehkä fyysisesti
? Pelkäätkö karhuja - en
? Oletko koskaan mennyt väärään bussiin? - kyllä :D
? Kuinka usein matkustat bussilla, takseilla tai junilla? - aika usein
? Katsotko telkkaria joka päivä? Edes vähän? - no yleensä
? Kenelle annoit viimeksi numerosi? - jonille.
? Mikä oli parasta kesässä -09? - ;)
? Löisitkö henkilöä, jonka takia viimeksi itkit? - hänen takia :S
? Suutelisitko henkilöä, jota viimeisimpänä ajattelit? - en. mut ..: (
? Pidätkö hiuksistasi? -kyllä.
? Olisitko valmis äidiksi/isäksi? - en vielä
? Kuka sanoi sinulle viimeksi jotain kaunista? - hän :)
? Kamalin tunne? - ahistus

guys always make girls cry ...Sunnuntai 11.10.2009 20:46

... but if a girl can make a guy cry, she must really mean something to him .

I've said that when you love someone it's forever. but i was wrong. nothing can last forever & that's what you've taught me. you've taught me that feelings go away. promises can be broken. & love isnt for everyone. when i met you, i thought that all of my past experiences would go away. but in the end, you brought them back & added more hurt to them. i've always thought that there is going to be ONE MAN who can treat me right. but there isnt. there is only little boys who claim they can. love is a precious thing & that is why it's so hard to find. thats why it's hard to find someone who can offer their love to you. and when you've been hurt, you shut the doors to your heart and stop any form of care and love to go in. now, you've brought me every type of hurt imaginable. & i don't think i will ever love again. but what i know for sure, is that i would forget all of this the very second you tell me you want me back. but for now, im just going to live my life as if i don't care. & i just want to let you know that even though you have broken my heart. i still love you.

a thingSunnuntai 11.10.2009 19:05

he's so confusing. Some of the things he
says to me, make me believe that he really
does like me, and then some other things
he says make me believe that i'm just a
girl who never even crosses his mind.

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 22.05.2009 03:04

I don't know, what I was doing
When suddenly, we fell apart
Now a days, I cannot find him
But when I do, we'll get a brand new start <3

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 15.03.2009 16:21

And then she'd say, it's Ok, I got lost on the way
but I'm a supergirl, and supergirls don't cry.
And then she'd say that nothing can go wrong.
When you're in love, what can go wrong?

Joonas like that.(L)Keskiviikko 04.03.2009 20:07

You know...
I just wanna let you know...
That I never felt ths way about anybody else...
I..I..I think ...
So don't think I'm crazy when I tell you this...
But if you ever hurt me...
I'll fuckin' kill you!

You betta go down when you get wit me,
You betta realize I'm what you need.
You betta get here 'fore I count to three,
You betta do right, I'll fuck you up!

You neva thought (nope),
That a bitch like me.
Would fuck you up,
If you cannot please.
So you betta bow down,
And get on ya knees.
Pore tha diamonds out,
Gimme what I need.

Hold up!
Do you see me laughin'?
You think that it's a joke,
Imma start harassin'.
All you lil' hoes that be tryin' to pass me,
You betta tell them that I kick their asses.

Who you talkin' to?
You betta hang up,
Or I'm through wit you!
And who the fuck is this bitch on ya page,
With the big ass tits up on ya top eight?

Cuz I'm the crazy bitch that's runnin' the game,
Cuz I'm the crazy bitch that's callin' your name.
Cuz I'm the crazy bitch, I ain't got no shame.
I will fuck you up!

You betta go down when you get wit me,
You betta realize I'm what you need.
You betta get here 'fore I count to three.
You betta do right, I'll fuck you up!

You betta go down when you get wit me,
You betta realize I'm what you need.
You betta get here 'fore I count to three,
You betta do right, I'll fuck you up!

How come every time you go do it again?
Why you always out late?
Why you always drunk when you wit ya friends?
You need to call me when ya out
Shut the fuck up and get in my pants,
Do what I say, I don't give a damn!

You betta obey if you want my nookie,
You betta stop talkin' to all them hoochies.
You betta wise up and listen to me,
I will fuck you up!

Hold up!
You think I'm trippin' now,
You askin' all your friends,
While you write it down.
You wonderin' why your tires blown,
And why your cell phone ain't work no mo' .

'Cuz I'm tha crazy bitch that's runnin' the game ,
Cuz I'm the crazy bitch that's callin' your name .
Cuz I'm the crazy bitch, I ain't got no shame ,
I wil fuck you up!

You betta go down when ya get wit me,
You betta realize I am what you need.
You betta get here 'fore I count to three,
You betta do right, I'll fuck you up!

You betta go down when ya get wit me,
You betta realize I am what you need.
You betta get here 'fore I count to three,
You betta do right, I'll fuck you up!

Uhh, yeah,
Gimme what I need.

Uhh, yeah,
Gimme what I need.

You betta go down when ya get wit me,
You betta realize I am what you need.
You betta get here 'fore I count to three,
You betta do right, I'll fuck you up!

You betta go down when ya get wit me,
You betta realize I am what you need.
You betta get here 'fore I count to three,
You betta do right, I'll fuck you up!

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 01.03.2009 18:22

Kunagi saan ka mina õnnelikuks sosistas tüdruk pisarsilmis endale ja astus kihutava auto ette.! ^.^

=^.^=Torstai 26.02.2009 01:21

Pääset ihon alle ja isket syvemmälle,
silti sä oot mulle, kaikkein tärkein
Päästin sut lähelle ja haluan että siihen jäät
Vaikka se sattuis
- Vanhemmat »