


The pain will never fail.

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Koska haluun kirjottaa enkuksi.Sunnuntai 02.09.2012 18:53

Couples meme

When exactly did you two first meet?
Our story starts from the playray ;DDD and there is a game called dog fight.. Cute huh?

Where did you two first meet?
He came to my place last christmas day :33

What was your first impression of him?
Oh gahd he is soo cute! ;D

When did you start liking him?
We talked a lot before he came to see maybi I started to like him from the first talk :)

When did you two start going out?
Well we had so bid distance.. :D right after he came to see me.

What was your first kiss with him like?
Grrr it was night when we did it ;3 it was so sweet.

Are you his first girlfriend?
Yesh I am.

Is he your first boyfreind?
Noup :c

About him:

Hair color?
Dark brown now.

Eye color?
Green(-lil blue).

Skin tone?




Chest hair?
Nou. Or couple hairs here and there ;DD


Ofc he is smart ♥


Greates sense of humor ever.

Yush he owns me ♥

Really patient!

Really ;w; ♥♥

Affectionate where?
Every where!

Yesh he protects me always.

Humm little bit.

Sure sure.

Talks a lot :3


Sporty usually.

Noup ;D

His skills:
He is a metal man! Meaning he works with it. He is also such a disposer ;)

Can he cook or bake?

Can he repair/fix things?

Can he dance?
:D yesh.

Can he sing?
With his own style.

Can he draw?
Hum.. :DD somehow.

Can he play any instrument?

Can he write well?

Can he make you laugh?
Always making me laugh ♥

Can he make others laugh?

What is his talent if he has found it?
I think that he is still working with it.

Is he good at science and math?
Nou :D as bad as me.

Random quirks:
Well..maybi I do more those things than he does :D

Is he a pet lover?

Is he environment-friendly?

What are his views on political issues?
Hmmm..he likes one party here. Prices down and more money for students :DD and stuff.

Is he racist?
Nah. Just don't like gay people.. :/

Is he a vegetarian?

Does he drink?



Abuse drugs?
Oh hell no!

Is he hairy?

Does he donate to beggars?

Is he neat/messy?
Messy ;D

His love life:
Me :DD ♥

Is he romantic?
Yesh he is.

Does he pay for your meals/tickets/etc?
Yeh ;)

Does he express his love for you in words or in actions?
Both of them. But mostly with words.

Things you don't like about him (though you accept his faults):
Snoring :DDD and he grits sometimes he's teeths while he sleeps.

Any habits of his that you dislike?

Anything about his appearance that you dislike?

What's the sweetest thing he has ever said to you?
Well he says a lot of sweet things like every day.. but maybe that he loves me more than he can describe with any words or actions.

When was the latest you stayed up with him?
Now? :D 24/7 with him.

Do you give each other advice?

Have you ever put his last name as your own to see how it'd sound?
Ofc (;

Did you like it?

Ever dreamed about him?
Yush ♥

What happened?
Some random scenes :D

When you're upset, he:
Makes me feel pretty and makes me laugh ♥

When he's upset, you:
I always try to cheer he up somehow. Hugging and being close to him.

When he's happy, you:
I'm happy too.

Ever sacrifice some of your morals for him?
Not happened yet.

Does he ever try to change something about you?
No never.

Would you be willing to give anything for him to be happy?
Yes! It's main important that he is happy.

What was the most romantic thing you've done together?
Awww there's a lot things ;3 ♥ Like for example we went to Ruka (many times) at night and climbed one hill and came together down with a sledge ♥ Was so cute when we both were so snowy and then we had some kissing time in the snow ;)

Would you ever cancel plans with friends to be with him?
Hum yesh it is too important to be with him.

How often do you think about him?
Always ♥

When you think about him, you:
I think your memories and they make me happy ♥

When he first saw you, you:
I was so blushy! And so shy and excited :)

Are you flirty with each other?
Heh yeah :DD

Life without him would be:
I would't have life then. I would be dead.

Have you ever doodled his name without thinking about it?
Yeh ;DD

Does he make you feel protected?

Are you proud of him?
Too proud ♥

Is he proud of you?
I think so ;DDD

Do you ever embarrass yourself in front of him?
Haha maybe everebody does that sometimes..even if there's nothing to be ashamed.

What's your best memory with him?
Every minute makes a new great memory with him.. But when was new years was so magical ♥

Hum..when we are apart..

Have you ever been in a fight?
Well little wrangling sometimes..but not in a fight.

Does he make you angry sometimes?
Eww well I'm a bitch so many things make me angry..even if there's no any good reason for it.. :DDD

How often?

Can you guess what he will say or do ahead of time?

Do you ever talk about love?

What about the future?
Family with him and couple kids and stuff ♥ Marriage.

Do your parents know about him?

Do his parents know about you?

If so, do they like you?
Yup ;)

Your relationship's theme song would be:
Too many great song for this..butbut maybii Kim Herold - You are the one ♥

Weirdest thing about him:
Makes funny moves sometimes ;DDD ♥♥

Did/Do you have a codename for him you use with your friends?

Do you have a favorite of his clothing?
I looove one of his belts. And one black shirt with lil red on it ♥ And fucking great jeans ;DD smexy ones...

Do you stay up later than normal just to talk to him?

Do you have a favorite picture of him?
Yeh ♥

Do you try to look attractive around him?
Yeh ;DDD

Are you in love with him?
Totally in love.

Why do you love him?
He is the best thing ever ♥ So kind and lovely and everything that woman wants ;D

Quote something that he has said to you:
Haha!! He always says that I love your ass in those sweatpants ;DDDD

Whats the worst thing he's ever said to you?
He didn't mean it but anyway..nnah really nothing.

Can you imagine being with him forever?

Describe your ideal wedding with him:
CHOCOLATE CAKE♥ :DDD Lots of roses and warm atmosphere.. Just so romantic stuff and our family is there and friends too.

Have you ever cheated on him?

Is he a lover or a fighter?

Physically, whats your favorite thing about him?
Personality ♥

Do you truly love him?
Yes I truly love him so much ♥

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