


Zina Wildrose - Inspiring

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Drama PathTiistai 16.03.2010 00:04

Melancholy, oh melancholy
gnawing my soul of longing
longing made me think soulcide
that maybe kill all feelings what I feel now
When I am ready to stop all pains
or do I have to suffer this fucking spring depression?

"one two three four, drink more alcohol"

withering inspirations, like blossoms in autumn's wind
burning betrayers, like black cinders in your eyes
who i am and where am I, this is not my home
that is not me, that girl in the mirror
who always turn to the silent terror
never say any word to you

"rape that heart and rip me apart"

soul wants to fly away, far away
but it's shackle in miserable dying body
screaming all the time
begging escapist freedom
so break my mirror of soul
fulfill soulcide
and let the gates open
in the lonely Drama Path

"Do I have to say 'bye bye' although I wish that you die?"

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