
RandyPerjantai 02.04.2010 14:40

[ ] You're the normal kid
[ ] You have an older sister
[ ] You often puke
[x] You are an animal-lover hippie pussy
[ ] One of your parents is a geologist
[x] Your dad can be really stupid/stubborn
[ ] You have a boyfriend/girlfriend
[ ] You have a lot of talents
Count: 2

[ ] You're Jewish
[ ] You own an ushanka
[ ] You have an adopted sibling
[/] You easily get mad
[/] Your hair is curly
[ ] You're diabetic
[x] You have high morals
[ ] One of your parents is a lawyer
Count: 2

[x] You're fat/big-boned
[ ] You get made fun of because of your body weight
[ ] People make fat jokes about you
[x] You eat a lot of junk food
[ ] You love acting/dressing like Hitler
[ ] You think Ginger Kids have no souls
[ ] You've once made over 10,000 dollars
[X] You want everyone to suck your balls
Count: 3

[ ] You hide your face
[ ] You're quiet
[ ] You love boobies
[x] You're such a pervert with a dirty mind
[ ] You have cheesed before
[ ] You're poor
[ ] Your parents fight all the time
[ ] You beg for money
Count: 1

[ ] You often get called "gay"
[ ] You get grounded all the time
[ ] You don't have a lot of hair
[ ] You've seen your parents naked before
[ ] You have a fatass friend
[x] You're not that popular at school
[/] You dance
[x] You've fallen in love with the opposite sex
Count: 2½

[x] You flip people off
[ ] You're one of the cool kids at school
[ ] You've gotten ripped off before
[ ] You think you're cool
[ ] Most of the time you're not happy
[x] You don't participate in anything you think sucks
[x] If you did something you have never done before, you would be sooo happy
[ ] Your last name starts with a T
[ ] You like things nice and boring
Count: 3

[ ] You're attractive
[ ] You love tacos
[ ] Girls/Guys love you
[ ] You love parties
[ ] Your friends are mean to other people
[x] Your hair is messy at times
[ ] You often wear red and/or blue
[ ] You look at Playboy Magazines
Counts: 1

[ ] You're a Straight A Student
[/] You're a feminist
[ ] You have a cute boyfriend/girlfriend
[ ] You fall in love with other boys/girls
[ ] You get called a "hoe"
[x] You get mad easily at things against you
[ ] School is fun to you
[x] You're a bitch
Count: 2½

[ ] Your hair is blonde
[x] You love boys/girls with hot asses
[ ] Your boyfriend/girlfriend is the eye candy
[ ] You are/were a head/regular cheerleader
[x] You like playing Truth or Dare
[ ] You love girl talk
[ ] You think your boobs are too big for your age
[ ] You're part of a Secret Committee
Count: 2

Randy Marsh:
[x] You've been so startled before
[x] You are often stupid
[ ] You want to become a geologist one day
[ ] You fight with baseball fathers/mothers
[ ] You have gotten arrested for a stupid reason
[x] You play childish games
[x] You've once did something gay in your life
[ ] You love beer
Count: 4

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