


"Se kuvaaja"

meepPerjantai 14.12.2007 03:12

suunnilleen kaikki Cyberin työntekijöistä osti/varas itelleen noi kasetti-korut haha. vaan 3 jäi jäljelle myytäväks. [tos kallos ei muuten oikeesti oo mitään pinkkiä. en tiiä mistä toi heijastus tuli..]

SO CUTE ^___^

btw Inga anto mulle ilmaseks eilen huulikorun :D my boss is awesome.

ja nyt vast tajuttiin tänään Tiinankaa et miks näytettiin niin tutuilta toisillemme. se muistaa mut Super Piratesta ku tykkäsin aina käydä siel ja menin kerran kysymään et onks niil viel myynnis MCR paitoi ni se sano et ne myytiin kahessa tunnissa kaikki. LOL siitki on jo yli vuos aikaa :D

huomen punaset hiukset!!!

näin MäkkärissäSunnuntai 09.12.2007 18:23

"isi,isi tol tytöl on siniset hiukset!" *osottaa mua*

lapset on niin söpöjä :D

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 06.12.2007 02:22

mua voi sit tulla esim. perjantaina kampin cybershoppiin kattomaan jos halajaa ;) oon töissä 13.00-20.00. menkää ostamaan korsetteja ja ylisöpöjä fleecehuppareita med kissankorvat. perjantaina pitäis myös tulla kissantassu-hanskoja. meep.

voi luoja Cybershopis kävi mun työvuorol varmaan vähintään 15 MCR fania pelkästään tän päivän aikana xP
oh yeah Cyberist löytyy nyt myös kahta eri mcr-laukkua. ostan toisen niist. mwahaha. se on hieno. ne on molemmat revenge-ajoilta. SUH-WEET. ainii saan siit 20% alennuksen. YAY.

ps. kävin lääkäris sen mun sormen takia. se on nyt melkeen liila. lääkäri puhkas sen ja siit tuli mätää ja verta. nami. i. dont. like. needles >.<

holy shit!Sunnuntai 02.12.2007 18:48

"Olet voittanut Gillette Venus girl2goddess Hi-Tech and Beauty Kit -sarjan!

Kiitos osallistumisesta MTV:n ja Gilletten Venus girl2goddess -kilpailuun.

Se kannatti, sillä voitit, joten voit muodostaa yhteyden Gillette Venus girl2goddess -tiimiin uusimman tekniikan avulla! Voit pitää heihin yhteyttä Web-kameran ja kuulokkeiden avulla, napsauttaa punaisen tietokonesarjan avulla sekä kuunnella mielimusiikkiasi iPod Shufflen avulla. Palkinto sisältää myös upean manikyyrisarjan, jotta voit näppäillä todella kauniiden sormien avulla.

Onneksi olkoon! Toivottavasti ystäväsi eivät tule liian kateellisiksi uusista palkinnoistasi!

Gillette Venus girl2goddess -tiimi"

Unohin jo kokonaan et ees osallistuin tohon kilpailuun! DAMN oikeesti. mä voitin ipodin ja webbikameran?
En mä koskaan voita mitään :D

I bring myself the LOLZSunnuntai 25.11.2007 03:02

mitä vittua?! kiva et mullekki kerrottiin et mua kuvattiin ku juttelin frankin kanssa O.O LMFAO kuulostan joltai 5 v:ltä joka koittaa sönköttää enkkuu. waaah. can you tell i was tired?
ja johanna vaa selittää brasiliasta alinalle <3

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 16.11.2007 18:01

Pam tekstas taas vaihteeks mulle viime yönä..

"Honey, Headfirst AND DESERT SONG"

Ei mua taaskaan yhtään vituta :D mun piti olla tuolla.. se oli kuulem. ihan ultimate-keikka. ja Matt ois ollu soittamassa taas vaihteeks. I'm gonna miss that dude. And the band. *huokaus*

ei yhtään vituta :DTorstai 15.11.2007 00:30

joo haistakkee vittu, Pam just tekstas mulle Lontoosta et GERARD WAY käveli niitten ohi HMV:ssä ja viel hymyili niille (ROFL that doesnt happen every day) JA se oli YKSIN siellä. like WTF? ja mä oisin voinu olla niitten kanssa siellä! haha
ARGH. ja oisin voinu saada vihdoin Gerardin nimmarin mun TUA:an siel signingissa but noooo. stupid Ryan Air... *emo tear*

mul on kylmä. en tykkää talvesta!

Woe..Lauantai 10.11.2007 15:00

Vittu voiko se oikeesti olla jo ohi?! Miten aika menee niin nopeesti? Vastahan siihen oli yli 4 kuukautta aikaa.
Mun maha menee aina ihan sekasin ku mä ajattelenki niit keikkoi ja kaikkee mitä tapahtu. BEST SHIT EVER.
Nyt on taas vaihteeks flunssa, mut mitä muutakaan sitä voi odottaa ku pelkällä hupparilla hilluu kaatosateessa. Mun tuuria on se että jätän kameran hotellihuoneeseen just sillonku sais ottaa keikalla kuvia ja sateenvarjon just sillon ku sataa koko ajan. lol

fghölkkgöjksfljk! mul on ikävä MSI:tä. Niitten showt oli vielä parempia ku ajattelin. Samoin MCR. luulin et koko tripistä tuliski ihan paska mutta ZOMG! haluun takas (ylläri?)

Hankkikaa joku mulle uudet jalat. en varmaan pysty kävellä portaita alas kunnolla vielä seuraavalla viikollakaan. Mun koko vartalo on ihan kipee ja löysin taas pari mustelmaa eilen illalla vatsasta. mun rannekki on ihan paskana.
Mul on ikävä niit kaikkii kivoi jätkii joidenkaa sai pitata ja jotka autto mua löytää takas mun kavereiden luo yleisössä, sekä se yks kiva jenkki jätkä (joka muuten luuli myös mua jenkiks haha) joka otti kiinni sen vesipullon ja anto mulle ^^ senkaa oli hauska yrittää metsästää lavalta kamaa, vaikka ei me kyllä mitään saatu mut ei se mitään. tunnelma oli korkeella.

<3<3<3 kiitos kaikille jotka teitte tästä matkasta unohtumattoman <3<3<3

// feat. MCRTorstai 20.09.2007 02:57

Gerard Way:

Glassjaw // Ape Dos Mil

Everytime I Die // Kill The Music

Head Automatica // Graduation Day

Murder By Death // Devil in Mexico

The Oval Portrait // Can't You Do Anything For Me?

The Oval Portrait // Barnabus Collins Has More Skeletons In His Closet Than Vincent Price (en oo 100% varma tästä)

The Oval Portrait // From My Cold Dead Hands

Say Anything // In Defense of the Genre
Frank Iero:

the Banner // Black Duct Tape

(+ tietenki LEATHERMOUTH ja Pencey Prep)
(otettu mun LJ:stä)

oh wow.. just - WOW!
I dont even know where to start..!

Woke up at 9am. Got some breakfast, though it's really hard for me to eat so early and esp. right after i've just woken up. almost barfed at the table. but i had to eat something so i wouldnt die in the queue.
Got to the venue at 12am, almost got lost at one point but then decided to ask people around for directions. (i hate asking for help from others) thank god i had my map also with me.
Nadja, Cat and Rosie were already sitting in the line. Also met Silvia and her Rmy-friends which was nice ^^

For the first couple of hours were nice and cozy because the sun was blocked by the clowds, but it was still warm. Then suddenly at 3pm or something the sun starts shining right at the line and the heat started to get unbearable. Silvia went and bought me a package of Oreos. lol and then after some time, rosie and cat went to buy more food and water.
I donno what time it was but suddenly a bus pulls over infront of the venue and people start to scream like hell. we looked around like "wtf's happening?" and then realised the band came out of the bus. lmao poor guys, all the girls screaming right in their ear.. *shakes head*

Somewhere around 7pm people started to get up and got impatient. some fucktards decided to cut the line. oh well i guess im not one to complain as we did the same thing in Stockholm last year. It was really fun queuing with you guys! <3 esp. when we sung Apulanta with Nadja haha "Hei baby anna mulle piiskaa..!" \,,\

"Pikapano piristää!" lol

We got in at 7.30pm or so. Got second row/center.
The supportband was okay, I got really into the music. I WAS there to party after all ;) they sounded like Simple Plan though.. They covered "highway to hell", so that was pretty nifty.

Then MCR came on at 9pm. People went nuts! everyone just started shoving to the front. And at one point this girl that i had a little bit of a fight 15 mins before, BIT ME! i couldnt put my hand anywhere and i tried to reach the barricade so i wouldnt fall down or anything, besides i was in such a bad position anyway and it hurt my back. i guess she thought i was trying to cut her or something. anyway when i realised she'd bitten me, something just snapped in my head and i got so furious i punched her really hard in the head and she started crying. FUCK YOU! now you know not to mess with me bitch. seriously, if there would've been more room i wouldve probably hit her on the ground. pfft. *rolls eyes*
Frank jumped into the crowd after I'm Not Okay. Funny thing is, i never noticed him actually jumping, i just remember seeing his guitar floating around and thought the security was trying to pull some crowdsurfers from the audience, but after the show we got told it was actually Frank crowdsurfing haha
then all the other girls got pulled out of the crowd, but i survived 'til the 7th song. after 'I dont love you' ended, i started walking towards the soundboard. Leaned against it, almost puked. blacked out for a sec. sat down on the ground. after 5 mins or so Rosie found me and we went to find water > mission failed. GUH. then we sat down for Ghost Of You. I felt so bad and desperate, i found some people's unfinished drinks just laying around and drank them (yes not the best idea but i was seriously in pain and almost fainting) and i rubbed my face and some bodyparts with the icecubes i got from the drinks lol
We watched the show leaning against the soundboard until Mama started. God i love the "everybody in the whole place, whole place" intro... i got so giddy during it <3
Then band left and Gerard came on stage alone and sang Cancer. it was beautiful. after that... VENOM! oh god it was purrfect. we were rocking out somewhere in the 8th row during that. Then Gerard started introducing the next song and said "this next song almost made it on the record.. blah blah we've never played this before.." i thought he was talking about Heaven Help Us, so i yelled "buulllshiiit". but it turned out they were gonna play Kill All Your Friends and i just couldnt believe it.. o.o we both got pretty much hypnotized with Rosie at that point. I was so happy.. just screaming the lyrics, which only a few there knew of course.
The show ended with Helena (duh) and at that point we walked through the crowd and joined these dudes in their moshpit and moshed the whole song through. awesome.

My index finger started spazzing just now, after thinking about the gig. freaky.
I think there was a little Frerard-moment during some song also but im not sure. atleast Frank leaned on Gerard, but it looked like he kissed him or whispered something in G's ear.
Oh yeah and before the show we saw Jeff walking around the pit-area so we waved for him to come to us and Nadja asked him something, but i cant remember what it was. teehee he looked so gay with his bandana wrapped around his neck x)

Then we met up at the soundboard after the show with the girls. lmao Cat had lost her shoe so she went to look for it, i went to the barrier and tried to get a setlist or even a guitarpick. no luck. shouted for Jeff, but he said there werent any left. yeah right you poopoo head :D found a bottle of water on the ground, picked it up and realised it wasnt even opened up yet. HOORAY!

We all got outside, walked around the venue for a while, then we sat down next to this bar. After a while of calling friends, talking about the gig and bitching about the crowd we heard shreaking outside the venue's doors.
"lol i guess the guys just came out, there's no way we'll get to see them though". there were still like a thousand people hanging around the venue and on the street. Then 5 mins later we spot a car driving off and people running after it.
"oh poop there they went.."
We got up, walked down the street opposite to the venue and sat down the kerb. Then Rosie left with some friends she met after the gig and me, Nadja and Cat stayed around.
Cat went to change her clothes because they were soaked, so me and nadja started bitching about the show a little again. Just when we were thinking about leaving, I felt like something was up.. there was no way Frank would've just left like that, after he promised to try come out after the barcelona show to Nadja and Cat in Paris. So i didnt feel like leaving.. but then we kinda got depressed because he was nowhere to be found.

At 12.15pm I notice a dude with a hat and a hoodie on talking to a small group of people, leaning on the fence that was set up after the show. I thought to myself who is that guy..? he looks so familiar! then it hit me :D it was FRANK! I handmotioned Nadja to get up and said "dude that's frank isnt it?!" so we all skipped to the other side of the street and it WAS him :D Frank was still talking to some fans so we didnt wanna bother him.
TK came over and we talked to him. He was so nice! and he remembered Nadja and Cat! how cool is that? :D woo im so proud. the first thing he said was "so.. did you guys see frank crowdsurf?" :D and all our mouths opened like "wah..? when?!" and then we talked about it a bit haha He said the crowd was insane and then we told him about the bite. Then i showed him the bruise and the look on his face was hilarious! he looked so concerned.
When frank finished talking to the other people, he came to us but we were kind of ignoring him while talking to TK haha so he just stood there looking kind of weird. i felt sorry for him lmao so i went "HAI! I'm Nelly :D" and shook his hand.
Then it rolled from there.
We talked about Rock Am Ring, Download festival (Frank told us he threw an apple at someone during their performance lolz), i asked him how it felt to play with the Bouncing Souls in Budokan and he said he was almost shitting himself while playing with them haha (AWW fanboy <3), also talked about Leathermouth and asked him if there was ever gonna be a LM tour and that they should stop touring with MCR already. Frank kind of agreed, he said they've been touring for 6 months nonstop already and i said "yeah you can even hear it in Gerard's voice".. "you guys are such work-a-holics!" and frank laughed and said "yeah i know..". Also Gallows was mentioned at some point. I wasnt fully keeping track what was said because i needed a piece of paper and couldnt get one anywhere but then TK said he was gonna get me a setlist. wonderful, wonderful man ^^ Also talked about crazy fangirls. There were these girls with a sign saying "rape us, frank" and it had their phonenumbers on it. Frank saw it during the show and TK told us he went and ripped it off their hands. bahahah
Frank: "it made me feel so uncomfortable..some people seriously don' know..think...they obviously don't know what they talk about. it makes me sad. We're just normal people ya know" :(
Nadja and Cat also talked about MCR supporting Muse at Wembley Stadium and shizz. i wasnt paying attention XD
Oh yeah and i asked him to show off his frankenstein tattoo, and so he did. also noticed a new one, i think it was a picture of a bloody tooth and he said he got it with a bunch of friends or something? (i literally squealed *embarrased*)
Then i asked him if taking a tattoo on your arm would hurt a lot and he said "not really.. but below the waist is just awful", Nadja showed off her awesome tattoo and then Frank showed a bit of his sparrows on his stomach. YAY we witnessed the lovehandles LIVE. rofl.
what else..
I asked TK if it was possible to get a M&G arranged for the MCRmy Finland on tuesday and he said "i think so.." and Frank also thought it'd be nice to have one :) so fingers crossed for actually meeting frank again teehee.

they decided to head inside at 1.00am, so we said our goodbyes and Nadja asked for a hug. We were just standing there with Cat and so Frank pulls us all into a group hug. after some time i thought the hug was ending, i tried to pull myself back from the hug but suddenly Frank pulls both of us (me and cat) back into the hug and grabbs us even tighter then before o.o it felt like it lasted forever. i was cute though.
also before we left Nadja asked about the geek-glasses we've all witnessed frank wearing lately. he said they're transparent but he actually does need glasse for driving, reading etc. but he likes to wear the glasses whenever he feels a bit insecure or whatever. poor thing, he's actually self-conscious. who would've thought. usually im like that..

The girls decided to walk me to my hotel, so i wouldnt have to take a cab all by myself (i dont trust those foreign cabdrivers -,-) so we walked... and walked... and did some more walking. while walking, the MCR buses drove two times past us in one hour. haha they were stalking us! :O after 1½h of walking we realised we were lost! oh jeez. we were in a total different part of the city. and we had to walk back and then a little more further.
While walking I spotted a cockroach on the street. i thought it was dead so i just glanced at it. suddenly it moved and i almost had a heartattack and ran to the other side of the street screaming! and it started crawling after me and Cat!! eww i seriously have a fobia for bugs :S
Finally i got to the hotel at 4am. 3 hours of walking... O___O

then sleeeeeep.

JamesRandom frank + me
JamesRandom frank + Nadja's nephew