


KIK> Xandrette † FB:

DAY 7 (Andy Biersack ♥)Torstai 15.11.2012 17:32

Day 07: Favorite animated gif of a body
sori ei löytyny parempii gifei c:

Day 08: Favorite animated gif of a female
Day 09: Favorite animated gif of a male
Day 10: Favorite animated gif of an animal
Day 11: Favorite animated gif of a smile
Day 12: Favorite animated gif of tears
Day 13: Favorite animated gif of surprise
Day 14: Favorite animated gif of sadness
Day 15: Favorite animated gif that inspires you
Day 16: Favorite animated gif from a cartoon
Day 17: Favorite animated gif from a TV show
Day 18: Favorite animated gif of a movie
Day 19: Favorite animated gif of a celebrity
Day 20: Favorite animated gif of a Z list celebrity
Day 21: Favorite animated gif with subtitles
Day 22: Favorite animated gif of someone dancing
Day 23: An animated gif you send someone you love
Day 24: An animated gif you sent someone you hate
Day 25: An animated gif you send to those who annoy you
Day 26: An animated gif you send to those who make you laugh
Day 27: An animated gif you send to those who are stupid
Day 28: An animated gif that is your guilty secret
Day 29: An animated gif you recently forwarded
Day 30: An animated gif that was recently forwarded to you
BONUS: Day 31; An animated gif you send to those who you want to STFU

DAY 6Keskiviikko 14.11.2012 19:54

Day 06: Favorite animated gif of a face

Day 07: Favorite animated gif of a body
Day 08: Favorite animated gif of a female
Day 09: Favorite animated gif of a male
Day 10: Favorite animated gif of an animal
Day 11: Favorite animated gif of a smile
Day 12: Favorite animated gif of tears
Day 13: Favorite animated gif of surprise
Day 14: Favorite animated gif of sadness
Day 15: Favorite animated gif that inspires you
Day 16: Favorite animated gif from a cartoon
Day 17: Favorite animated gif from a TV show
Day 18: Favorite animated gif of a movie
Day 19: Favorite animated gif of a celebrity
Day 20: Favorite animated gif of a Z list celebrity
Day 21: Favorite animated gif with subtitles
Day 22: Favorite animated gif of someone dancing
Day 23: An animated gif you send someone you love
Day 24: An animated gif you sent someone you hate
Day 25: An animated gif you send to those who annoy you
Day 26: An animated gif you send to those who make you laugh
Day 27: An animated gif you send to those who are stupid
Day 28: An animated gif that is your guilty secret
Day 29: An animated gif you recently forwarded
Day 30: An animated gif that was recently forwarded to you
BONUS: Day 31; An animated gif you send to those who you want to STFU

DAY 5Tiistai 13.11.2012 20:59

Day 05: Animated gif of your favorite movie

Day 06: Favorite animated gif of a face
Day 07: Favorite animated gif of a body
Day 08: Favorite animated gif of a female
Day 09: Favorite animated gif of a male
Day 10: Favorite animated gif of an animal
Day 11: Favorite animated gif of a smile
Day 12: Favorite animated gif of tears
Day 13: Favorite animated gif of surprise
Day 14: Favorite animated gif of sadness
Day 15: Favorite animated gif that inspires you
Day 16: Favorite animated gif from a cartoon
Day 17: Favorite animated gif from a TV show
Day 18: Favorite animated gif of a movie
Day 19: Favorite animated gif of a celebrity
Day 20: Favorite animated gif of a Z list celebrity
Day 21: Favorite animated gif with subtitles
Day 22: Favorite animated gif of someone dancing
Day 23: An animated gif you send someone you love
Day 24: An animated gif you sent someone you hate
Day 25: An animated gif you send to those who annoy you
Day 26: An animated gif you send to those who make you laugh
Day 27: An animated gif you send to those who are stupid
Day 28: An animated gif that is your guilty secret
Day 29: An animated gif you recently forwarded
Day 30: An animated gif that was recently forwarded to you
BONUS: Day 31; An animated gif you send to those who you want to STFU

We are young and more than friends.Tiistai 13.11.2012 20:52


DAY 4 (tää on vaikee)Maanantai 12.11.2012 15:15

Day 04: Animated gif of your favorite singer

Day 05: Animated gif of your favorite movie
Day 06: Favorite animated gif of a face
Day 07: Favorite animated gif of a body
Day 08: Favorite animated gif of a female
Day 09: Favorite animated gif of a male
Day 10: Favorite animated gif of an animal
Day 11: Favorite animated gif of a smile
Day 12: Favorite animated gif of tears
Day 13: Favorite animated gif of surprise
Day 14: Favorite animated gif of sadness
Day 15: Favorite animated gif that inspires you
Day 16: Favorite animated gif from a cartoon
Day 17: Favorite animated gif from a TV show
Day 18: Favorite animated gif of a movie
Day 19: Favorite animated gif of a celebrity
Day 20: Favorite animated gif of a Z list celebrity
Day 21: Favorite animated gif with subtitles
Day 22: Favorite animated gif of someone dancing
Day 23: An animated gif you send someone you love
Day 24: An animated gif you sent someone you hate
Day 25: An animated gif you send to those who annoy you
Day 26: An animated gif you send to those who make you laugh
Day 27: An animated gif you send to those who are stupid
Day 28: An animated gif that is your guilty secret
Day 29: An animated gif you recently forwarded
Day 30: An animated gif that was recently forwarded to you
BONUS: Day 31; An animated gif you send to those who you want to STFU

DAY 3 (tää nyt on yhtye, mut idgaf)Sunnuntai 11.11.2012 13:16

Day 03: Animated gif of your favorite band

Day 04: Animated gif of your favorite singer
Day 05: Animated gif of your favorite movie
Day 06: Favorite animated gif of a face
Day 07: Favorite animated gif of a body
Day 08: Favorite animated gif of a female
Day 09: Favorite animated gif of a male
Day 10: Favorite animated gif of an animal
Day 11: Favorite animated gif of a smile
Day 12: Favorite animated gif of tears
Day 13: Favorite animated gif of surprise
Day 14: Favorite animated gif of sadness
Day 15: Favorite animated gif that inspires you
Day 16: Favorite animated gif from a cartoon
Day 17: Favorite animated gif from a TV show
Day 18: Favorite animated gif of a movie
Day 19: Favorite animated gif of a celebrity
Day 20: Favorite animated gif of a Z list celebrity
Day 21: Favorite animated gif with subtitles
Day 22: Favorite animated gif of someone dancing
Day 23: An animated gif you send someone you love
Day 24: An animated gif you sent someone you hate
Day 25: An animated gif you send to those who annoy you
Day 26: An animated gif you send to those who make you laugh
Day 27: An animated gif you send to those who are stupid
Day 28: An animated gif that is your guilty secret
Day 29: An animated gif you recently forwarded
Day 30: An animated gif that was recently forwarded to you
BONUS: Day 31; An animated gif you send to those who you want to STFU

DAY 2Perjantai 02.11.2012 19:04

Day 02: Favorite animated gif of a rock star

Day 03: Animated gif of your favorite band
Day 04: Animated gif of your favorite singer
Day 05: Animated gif of your favorite movie
Day 06: Favorite animated gif of a face
Day 07: Favorite animated gif of a body
Day 08: Favorite animated gif of a female
Day 09: Favorite animated gif of a male
Day 10: Favorite animated gif of an animal
Day 11: Favorite animated gif of a smile
Day 12: Favorite animated gif of tears
Day 13: Favorite animated gif of surprise
Day 14: Favorite animated gif of sadness
Day 15: Favorite animated gif that inspires you
Day 16: Favorite animated gif from a cartoon
Day 17: Favorite animated gif from a TV show
Day 18: Favorite animated gif of a movie
Day 19: Favorite animated gif of a celebrity
Day 20: Favorite animated gif of a Z list celebrity
Day 21: Favorite animated gif with subtitles
Day 22: Favorite animated gif of someone dancing
Day 23: An animated gif you send someone you love
Day 24: An animated gif you sent someone you hate
Day 25: An animated gif you send to those who annoy you
Day 26: An animated gif you send to those who make you laugh
Day 27: An animated gif you send to those who are stupid
Day 28: An animated gif that is your guilty secret
Day 29: An animated gif you recently forwarded
Day 30: An animated gif that was recently forwarded to you
BONUS: Day 31; An animated gif you send to those who you want to STFU

Day 1Torstai 01.11.2012 10:50

Day 01: Favorite animated gif of a movie star

Day 02: Favorite animated gif of a rock star
Day 03: Animated gif of your favorite band
Day 04: Animated gif of your favorite singer
Day 05: Animated gif of your favorite movie
Day 06: Favorite animated gif of a face
Day 07: Favorite animated gif of a body
Day 08: Favorite animated gif of a female
Day 09: Favorite animated gif of a male
Day 10: Favorite animated gif of an animal
Day 11: Favorite animated gif of a smile
Day 12: Favorite animated gif of tears
Day 13: Favorite animated gif of surprise
Day 14: Favorite animated gif of sadness
Day 15: Favorite animated gif that inspires you
Day 16: Favorite animated gif from a cartoon
Day 17: Favorite animated gif from a TV show
Day 18: Favorite animated gif of a movie
Day 19: Favorite animated gif of a celebrity
Day 20: Favorite animated gif of a Z list celebrity
Day 21: Favorite animated gif with subtitles
Day 22: Favorite animated gif of someone dancing
Day 23: An animated gif you send someone you love
Day 24: An animated gif you sent someone you hate
Day 25: An animated gif you send to those who annoy you
Day 26: An animated gif you send to those who make you laugh
Day 27: An animated gif you send to those who are stupid
Day 28: An animated gif that is your guilty secret
Day 29: An animated gif you recently forwarded
Day 30: An animated gif that was recently forwarded to you
BONUS: Day 31; An animated gif you send to those who you want to STFU

YayayayayaSunnuntai 28.10.2012 23:35

totuutta nykyhetkestä
- Oletko surullinen? - oon
- Miksi? - siksi
- Onko sinulla lävistyksiä? - snake bites, septum, madonna ja korvareikiä
- Mitä sinulla on päälläsi? - vaatteet
- Oletko tyytyväinen elämääsi? - vitut
- Minkälainen olo sinulla on nyt? - väsyttää
- Onko koruja päällä nyt? - lävistyskorut
- Onko sänkysi pedattu? - on

8 totuutta eilisestä
- Halasitko ihastustasi? - en
- Olitko tietokoneella? - en
- Tajusitko jotain uutta? - joo
- Teitkö jotain mitä et tee yleensä? - joo
- Käytitkö jotain päihdettä? - joo
- Teitkö yhtään urheilusuoritusta? - ei mitää muistikuvaa
- Monelta aloit nukkua? - ^

8 satunnaista
- Nimesi? - Janina
- Lempinumero? - ei oo
- Lempikouluaine? - historia
- Kännykän merkki? - apple
- Monta kirjainta on toisessa nimessäsi? - 9
- Lempinimesi? - riippuu
- Lempilaulajasi? - Ruki, Yo-ka, Maya, Wooyoung, Kiseop, Kevin, Soohyun, Hyunseung....

8 totuutta viimeisen viestin lähettäjästä
- Oletko nähnyt hänet tänään? - oon
- Oletko puhunut hänelle tänään? - joo
- Kauan olette tunteneet? - koht 10 vuotta
- Onko hän ollut luonasi? - on
- Oletteko nukkuneet samassa sängyssä? - ollaa
- Onko hän nuorempi vai vanhempi? - vanhempi
- Onko hän tyttö vai poika? - tyttö

- Haluaisitko olla jossain muualla kun nyt olet? - joo
- Haluaisitko olla päivän julkkis? - joo
- Haluaisitko elää jonkun päivän uudestaan? - joo
- Haluaisitko nähdä jonkun tietyn? - joo
- Haluaisitko kertoa jotain jollekin tietylle? - joo
- Haluaisitko halata jotain tiettyä? - joo
- Haluaisitko viettää aikaa jonkun tietyn kanssa? - oo
- Haluaisitko että olisi kesä? - joo, mut ei viel
- Haluaisitko nukkua ikuista unta? - joskus joo

Oletko koskaan antanut pusua kenellekkään jonka nimi alkaa L:llä?- een
Kuka on ensimmäinen R:llä alkava puhelimen yhteystiedoissasi, millä nimellä hän on? - Roope
Oletko vihainen? - en oo
Mitä mietit? - asioita
Oletko mustasukkainen? - pitäiskö ö.ö ?
Kummalla puolella sänkyä nukut yleensä? - keskellä C:
Mitä teit tänään - heräsin, pesin eiliset meikit ja istuin koneen ääree o.o
Osaatko kokata? - jotenkuten
Viimeisin ostamasi asia? - kokis ö.ö
Mitä aiot tehdä seuraavaksi? - sitähän ei koskaan tiiä ö.ö
Ärsyttävin tapa herätä? - ku tullaa repii sängystä ihan muuten vaa -__-
Kenen vieressä nukuit viimeksi? - venla
Mitä kaikkea teit eilen? - vaikka mitä :DD
Mitä lukee 15. saapuneessa viestissä? - "Aaa voi ei :c nyt sit sairastuit :c "
Koska viimeksi teit itse ruokaa? - perjantain
Kumpi on kiireisempää aikaa: arki vai viikonloppu? - arkii :c
Olitko iloinen herätessäsi aamulla? - no kyl c:
Kenen sängyssä nukuit viime yönä? - omassa
Mitä teit kello 9 tänä aamuna? - nukuin ö.ö
Kuinka monta viestiä on kännykkäsi saapuneissa? - toooosi monta
Oliko eilen mukava päivä? - olioli
Avonaiset messenger keskustelusi? - ei oo just nyt
Olisiko ihanaa asua yksin? - kyl >:3
Oletko rauhallinen ihminen? - ehkä, ehkä en
Tunnetko tyttöä, joka tietää lähes kaiken sinusta? - jjooo
Oletko sanonut kenellekään rakastavasi häntä tänään? - en.
Kenen makuuhuoneessa nukuit viimeksi, lukuun ottamatta omaasi? - öööö emmää muista enä
Mitä haluaisit sanoa juuri nyt ja kenelle? - en oikee tiiä o.o
Mikä on lempikarkkisi? - niitä on monia
Oletko herkkä? - ehkä
Ihastutko helposti? - sitäkun ei koskaantiiä
Oletko pitkävihainen? - riippuu ihmisestä ja asiasta
Suutelisitko henkilöä, jota viimeisimpänä ajattelit? - kyl
Montako tyynyä sängystäsi löytyy? - 4
Minkä elokuvan katsoit viimeksi? - jonku kauhuleffa o.o
Mikä on todennäköisin syy, jos et saa yöllä nukuttua? - niitäki vois olla tosi tosi monia :D