


KIK> Xandrette † FB:

DAY 12Tiistai 20.11.2012 18:44

Day 12: Favorite animated gif of tears

Day 13: Favorite animated gif of surprise
Day 14: Favorite animated gif of sadness
Day 15: Favorite animated gif that inspires you
Day 16: Favorite animated gif from a cartoon
Day 17: Favorite animated gif from a TV show
Day 18: Favorite animated gif of a movie
Day 19: Favorite animated gif of a celebrity
Day 20: Favorite animated gif of a Z list celebrity
Day 21: Favorite animated gif with subtitles
Day 22: Favorite animated gif of someone dancing
Day 23: An animated gif you send someone you love
Day 24: An animated gif you sent someone you hate
Day 25: An animated gif you send to those who annoy you
Day 26: An animated gif you send to those who make you laugh
Day 27: An animated gif you send to those who are stupid
Day 28: An animated gif that is your guilty secret
Day 29: An animated gif you recently forwarded
Day 30: An animated gif that was recently forwarded to you
BONUS: Day 31; An animated gif you send to those who you want to STFU

La petite morte ~Tiistai 20.11.2012 18:39

[ ] Perheväkivalta
[ ] Parisuhdeväkivalta
[ ] Seksuaalinen hyväksikäyttö
[x] Koulukiusaus
[x] Ensirakkaus
[x] Läheisen kuolema
[x] Läheisen itsetuhoisuus
[x] Petetyksi tuleminen parisuhteessa
[x] Petetyksi tuleminen muuten vain

[ ] Itsestäni
[x] Ystävistäni
[x] Jäätelöstä
[x] Musiikista
[ ] Työstäni
[ ] Teeskentelystä
[½] Hevareista
[x] Elämästäni

[ ] Sukupuolitauti
[½] Ihana ja onnellinen elämä
[x] Ystäviä
[x] Hyvä musiikkimaku
[ ] Paljon rahaa
[x] Huono itsetunto
[ ] Oma kämppä
[x] Lemmikki
[x] Iloinen luonne
[x] Hyvä fyysinen kunto
[ ] Anoreksia
[x] Ystävä joka uskoo Jumalaan

[ ] Lyödä isääni joskus
[x] Lisää rahaa
[x] Lisää ystäviä
[ ] Itkeä koska ikävöin erästä
[ ] Olla lahjakas kuvataiteessa
[x] Alkoholia
[x] Osata lentää
[x] Paremman tietokoneen
[x] Kuolla
[ ] Olla erakko
[x] Parempia televisio-ohjelmia
[ ] Tappaa USA:n presidentin

1) Miten vietät vapaa-aikasi?
[x] Olen ystävien kanssa
[x] Katson TV:tä
[ ] Harrastan urheilua
[x] Muuten

2) Onko sinulla paljon kavereita?
[ ] ei yhtäkään
[ ] 1
[ ] 2-3
[ ] 4-5
[x] enemmän kun 5

3) Lempikarkkeja?
[x] Salmiakki
[x] Suklaa
[ ] Hedelmäkarkit ja pastillit
[ ] Vaahtokarkit
[ ] En voi sietää karkkeja
[ ] Kaikki käy

4) Olen käynyt seuraavissa kaupungeissa/paikkakunnilla:
[x] Helsinki
[x] Tampere
[x] Turku
[ ] Jyväskylä
[ ] Vaasa
[ ] Kajaani
[ ] Rovaniemi
[x] Kuusamo
[x] Espoo
[ ] Oulu
[ ] Utajärvi
[ ] Raahe

5) Väri, jota en ikinä voisi käyttää vaatteissani:
[ ] Musta
[ ] Valkoinen
[ ] Sininen
[ ] Punainen
[ ] Oranssi
[ ] Keltainen
[ ] Pinkki
[ ] Violetti

6) Näitä ohjelmia seuraan televisosta:
[ ] Serranon perhe
[x] Sinkkuelämää
[ ] Täydelliset naiset
[ ] Selviytyjät
[½] Salatut elämät
[ ] C.S.I. New york
[ ] C.S.I. Miami
[ ] Suurin pudottaja
[ ] Tupakkalakko
[x] Pimp my ride
[ ] Tahdon asia
[ ] 4D
[ ] Sillä silmällä
[ ] 45 min. special
[ ] Dirt
[ ] Spiral
[x] Simpsonit
[ ] Smallville
[ ] Siskoni on noita
[ ] Venus&Apollo
[ ] En mitään noista

7) Olen käyttänyt rahaa tällä viikolla:
[ ] 0-2 e
[ ] 2-4 e
[ ] 4-6 e
[ ] 6-8 e
[ ] 8-10 e
[ ] 10-15 e
[ ] 15-20 e
[] 20-30 e
[x] 30-50 e
[ ] 50-100
[ ] 100-.. e
[ ] En ollenkaan

8) Omistan:
[x] Kännykän
[ ] Ipod soittimen
[x] Aurinkolasit
[ ] Pikkusiskon
[ ] Pikkuveljen
[x] Parhaan kaverin
[ ] Poikaystävän
[ ] Tyttöystävän
[½] Oman tyylin

9) Huoneeni on:
[½] Aina tiptop- kunnossa
[x] Miten sen nyt ottaa
[ ] Sotkuinen
[ ] Moderni
[x] Iso
[ ] Pieni
[ ] Söpö
[x] Vaalea
[x] Tumma
[ ] Ei mitään noista!

10)Osaan tehdä:
[ ] Spagaatin
[x] Kärrynpyörän
[ ] Pizzan
[ ] Letun
[ ] Pannukakun
[x] Kaverin ja/tai poika/tyttökaverin onnelliseksi
[x] Kaikenlaista jännää

11) Viihdyn mieluiten:
[x] Ulkona
[x] Sisällä
[ ] Rannalla
[x] Kotona
[x] Tietokoneen ääressä
[x] Kavereiden kanssa
[x] Yksin

12) Rakastan:
[ ] Itseäni
[x] Ihastustani
[ ] Poika/tyttöystävääni
[x] Äitiä
[x] Isää
[x] Lemmikkiäni/lemmikkejäni
[x] Rock-festareita
[x] Ihanaa musiikkia
[ ] Luontoa

DAY 11Tiistai 20.11.2012 00:06

Day 11: Favorite animated gif of a smile

Day 12: Favorite animated gif of tears
Day 13: Favorite animated gif of surprise
Day 14: Favorite animated gif of sadness
Day 15: Favorite animated gif that inspires you
Day 16: Favorite animated gif from a cartoon
Day 17: Favorite animated gif from a TV show
Day 18: Favorite animated gif of a movie
Day 19: Favorite animated gif of a celebrity
Day 20: Favorite animated gif of a Z list celebrity
Day 21: Favorite animated gif with subtitles
Day 22: Favorite animated gif of someone dancing
Day 23: An animated gif you send someone you love
Day 24: An animated gif you sent someone you hate
Day 25: An animated gif you send to those who annoy you
Day 26: An animated gif you send to those who make you laugh
Day 27: An animated gif you send to those who are stupid
Day 28: An animated gif that is your guilty secret
Day 29: An animated gif you recently forwarded
Day 30: An animated gif that was recently forwarded to you
BONUS: Day 31; An animated gif you send to those who you want to STFU

DAY 10Sunnuntai 18.11.2012 21:32

Day 10: Favorite animated gif of an animal

Day 11: Favorite animated gif of a smile
Day 12: Favorite animated gif of tears
Day 13: Favorite animated gif of surprise
Day 14: Favorite animated gif of sadness
Day 15: Favorite animated gif that inspires you
Day 16: Favorite animated gif from a cartoon
Day 17: Favorite animated gif from a TV show
Day 18: Favorite animated gif of a movie
Day 19: Favorite animated gif of a celebrity
Day 20: Favorite animated gif of a Z list celebrity
Day 21: Favorite animated gif with subtitles
Day 22: Favorite animated gif of someone dancing
Day 23: An animated gif you send someone you love
Day 24: An animated gif you sent someone you hate
Day 25: An animated gif you send to those who annoy you
Day 26: An animated gif you send to those who make you laugh
Day 27: An animated gif you send to those who are stupid
Day 28: An animated gif that is your guilty secret
Day 29: An animated gif you recently forwarded
Day 30: An animated gif that was recently forwarded to you
BONUS: Day 31; An animated gif you send to those who you want to STFU

DAY 9Sunnuntai 18.11.2012 00:09

Day 09: Favorite animated gif of a male

Day 10: Favorite animated gif of an animal
Day 11: Favorite animated gif of a smile
Day 12: Favorite animated gif of tears
Day 13: Favorite animated gif of surprise
Day 14: Favorite animated gif of sadness
Day 15: Favorite animated gif that inspires you
Day 16: Favorite animated gif from a cartoon
Day 17: Favorite animated gif from a TV show
Day 18: Favorite animated gif of a movie
Day 19: Favorite animated gif of a celebrity
Day 20: Favorite animated gif of a Z list celebrity
Day 21: Favorite animated gif with subtitles
Day 22: Favorite animated gif of someone dancing
Day 23: An animated gif you send someone you love
Day 24: An animated gif you sent someone you hate
Day 25: An animated gif you send to those who annoy you
Day 26: An animated gif you send to those who make you laugh
Day 27: An animated gif you send to those who are stupid
Day 28: An animated gif that is your guilty secret
Day 29: An animated gif you recently forwarded
Day 30: An animated gif that was recently forwarded to you
BONUS: Day 31; An animated gif you send to those who you want to STFU

IN THE END.Lauantai 17.11.2012 23:59

mikä fiilis? - ei mitää tietoo.
mitä päällä? - toppi, palestiinahuivi, pillifarkut.
onko valot päällä? - tollee hämäräl.
mitä ääniä kuulet? - musaa.
mitä näet edessäsi? - tietokoneen.
onko koruja? - niittirannekkeit, kaulakorui, lävistyskorut ja korvakorut.
tekeekö mieli jotain? - joo.
väsyttääkö? - vähäsen.

mikä päivä on huomenna? - sunnuntai :c
mitä aiot tehdä? - oon petran kans :3
tapahtuuko jotain erityistä? - tuskin.

biisi - niit on monii, mut yks joka täl hetkel on nii ehdottomast rakas knives and pens.
ihminen - ei voi valita yhtä.
tuoksu - en tiiä.
väri - musta.
yhtye - niitäki on monii.
vaate - pillifarkut.
soitin - kitara.

mitä näet kun katsot ylös? - katon.
mitä kello on? - 21:57.
ärsyttääkö sinua jokin asia? - kyllä.
onko sisaruksia? - kyllä on.
käytätkö yövaatteita? - en mitää "yöpukui".
rakastatko ystäviäsi? - tietty.
lopetatko tämän nyt? - en.

joku ihastunut sinuun ? - on.
joku särkenyt sydämesi? - maybe.
joku ystäväsi pettänyt sut? - on.
sulla paljon kavereita? - ei.

poika jota halasit? - luca.
entä tyttö? - en mä tiiä.
joka makasi sängyssäsi? - mä.
jonka kanssa menit leffaan? - en muista.
jolle juttelit livenä? - ville.
entä facebookissa? - katja.
joka laittoi sinulle viestiä? - teemu.

oletko yksin tällä hetkellä? - olen.
laulu joka soi päässäsi tällä hetkellä? - in the end.
oletko ollut radiossa/tv:ssä? - en.
mikä laulu muistuttaa ihastuksestasi? - moni.
millä sivuilla surffaat eniten? -, fb.
onko sinulla kasveja huoneessasi? - ei ole.
mikä sinua huolettaa? - en kerro.

DAY 8Perjantai 16.11.2012 15:34

Day 08: Favorite animated gif of a female

Day 09: Favorite animated gif of a male
Day 10: Favorite animated gif of an animal
Day 11: Favorite animated gif of a smile
Day 12: Favorite animated gif of tears
Day 13: Favorite animated gif of surprise
Day 14: Favorite animated gif of sadness
Day 15: Favorite animated gif that inspires you
Day 16: Favorite animated gif from a cartoon
Day 17: Favorite animated gif from a TV show
Day 18: Favorite animated gif of a movie
Day 19: Favorite animated gif of a celebrity
Day 20: Favorite animated gif of a Z list celebrity
Day 21: Favorite animated gif with subtitles
Day 22: Favorite animated gif of someone dancing
Day 23: An animated gif you send someone you love
Day 24: An animated gif you sent someone you hate
Day 25: An animated gif you send to those who annoy you
Day 26: An animated gif you send to those who make you laugh
Day 27: An animated gif you send to those who are stupid
Day 28: An animated gif that is your guilty secret
Day 29: An animated gif you recently forwarded
Day 30: An animated gif that was recently forwarded to you
BONUS: Day 31; An animated gif you send to those who you want to STFU

DAY 7 (Andy Biersack ♥)Torstai 15.11.2012 17:32

Day 07: Favorite animated gif of a body
sori ei löytyny parempii gifei c:

Day 08: Favorite animated gif of a female
Day 09: Favorite animated gif of a male
Day 10: Favorite animated gif of an animal
Day 11: Favorite animated gif of a smile
Day 12: Favorite animated gif of tears
Day 13: Favorite animated gif of surprise
Day 14: Favorite animated gif of sadness
Day 15: Favorite animated gif that inspires you
Day 16: Favorite animated gif from a cartoon
Day 17: Favorite animated gif from a TV show
Day 18: Favorite animated gif of a movie
Day 19: Favorite animated gif of a celebrity
Day 20: Favorite animated gif of a Z list celebrity
Day 21: Favorite animated gif with subtitles
Day 22: Favorite animated gif of someone dancing
Day 23: An animated gif you send someone you love
Day 24: An animated gif you sent someone you hate
Day 25: An animated gif you send to those who annoy you
Day 26: An animated gif you send to those who make you laugh
Day 27: An animated gif you send to those who are stupid
Day 28: An animated gif that is your guilty secret
Day 29: An animated gif you recently forwarded
Day 30: An animated gif that was recently forwarded to you
BONUS: Day 31; An animated gif you send to those who you want to STFU

DAY 6Keskiviikko 14.11.2012 19:54

Day 06: Favorite animated gif of a face

Day 07: Favorite animated gif of a body
Day 08: Favorite animated gif of a female
Day 09: Favorite animated gif of a male
Day 10: Favorite animated gif of an animal
Day 11: Favorite animated gif of a smile
Day 12: Favorite animated gif of tears
Day 13: Favorite animated gif of surprise
Day 14: Favorite animated gif of sadness
Day 15: Favorite animated gif that inspires you
Day 16: Favorite animated gif from a cartoon
Day 17: Favorite animated gif from a TV show
Day 18: Favorite animated gif of a movie
Day 19: Favorite animated gif of a celebrity
Day 20: Favorite animated gif of a Z list celebrity
Day 21: Favorite animated gif with subtitles
Day 22: Favorite animated gif of someone dancing
Day 23: An animated gif you send someone you love
Day 24: An animated gif you sent someone you hate
Day 25: An animated gif you send to those who annoy you
Day 26: An animated gif you send to those who make you laugh
Day 27: An animated gif you send to those who are stupid
Day 28: An animated gif that is your guilty secret
Day 29: An animated gif you recently forwarded
Day 30: An animated gif that was recently forwarded to you
BONUS: Day 31; An animated gif you send to those who you want to STFU