

- Vanhemmat »
no school today again
and tomorrow too
just stucking into the computer wasting the time till others come home

usual sh*t, when i have a lot of time just to waste i feel too active:S
noooooooooooooothing to do in the morning, and i cant sleep more than 6 hours:S......

music helps
shower helps
computer helps

but soo booooooooooooring anyway
need my friends to waste time together - and everyone is studying half of the day
hate waiting
dont know what i want
but i know how to get it
do i know it today?
i guess so
time time time
f**k it all:P:D:D:D

waiting for news is also sh*t, i will get one very important today, but surprisingly it doesnt bother me anyhow today - so maybe that thing was not so important?
have fun

life :
day after day - foreign country , 'other' ppl - sometimes friendly, sometimes strange - well - its always like this - the trouble of language and gestures - cant understand it all, but need to - cos i am a human - biosocial being - need others to share smth.....why are ppl so social ? why i need to share my thoughts , joy, sorow and all the things that life gives away?.....

i used to be free and now caught into the heart-shaped box - happens - buti am just sure that i will get it, play with it it and throw away - almost as always- and thats really stupid and depressing - do u know how to help?

....dont want to make the god and then let it fall.................

а cвою любовь я собственноручно освободил от дальнейших неизбежных огорчений....

let me live MY life............

- Vanhemmat »