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Together We CanKeskiviikko 04.05.2011 22:23

Illuusio TosiTiistai 03.05.2011 23:41

Sateenkaaren kirkkaissa väreissä
sateenkaari siltanaan
kulkee sateenkaarinarri

Kotka yläpuolellansa
Tiikeri hänen vierellänsä ja
valkoinen Orava olallansa,
tuoden lisää onnea,
- jota ei värikkäästä yltäkylläisyys maailmasta
ole koskaan puuttunutkaan.

Ihmiset vain alkoivat pukeutua harmaaseen ja mustaan
huonojen arkkitehtien ideoimassa betonimaailmassa
ja värien puuttuessa unohtivat
miltä tuntuu heittää kuperkeikkaa
auringon ja kuun ollessa samaan aikaan taivaalla.

Goddes of beauty and Love , FreijaTiistai 03.05.2011 21:21

The Goddess Freyja calls upon us women to stand up and love ourselves. She wishes for us to put on our spiritual falcon cloaks and fly into new areas of our feminine consciousness. Our beautiful lady Freyja urges us to keep our spiritual sword at ready to defend our mind, body, and spirits against all limitations. For we are Freyja's daughters and we must respect ourselves as such.

Freyja is the Great Goddess of the Nordic Tradition. She is the Goddess of sexuality, power, beauty and magick. Freyja is the Queen and Commander of the Valkyries. Some of her other attributes are said to be devotion, strength, the sun, the moon, love, luck, protection, passion, eroticism and animals.

She is the Vanir Goddess of great power and magickal knowledge.
Freyja is said to be the Goddess who taught women-kind magick. Her secret female-only teaching was called Seidr. This is an extremely powerful form of magick and spirituality, perhaps even Shamanic. Unfortunately, many of these teachings were lost when women would not share their powerful knowledge with males.

With unsurpassed beauty, Freyja is said to appear driving a chariot pulled by two gray cats. She cries tears of gold when sad. Friday is her day since it is named in her honor. Her number is thirteen, so when Friday happens to land on the thirteenth, it is considered especially good for Freyja's followers.

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 02.05.2011 02:14

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 02.05.2011 01:22

Love is real.Torstai 28.04.2011 20:45

Amma´s Bhajans , I Love This.Lauantai 23.04.2011 22:48

Mun intiaanisydan ikavoi....Lauantai 16.04.2011 12:25

May All Beings Be Happy in Everywhere.Tiistai 12.04.2011 15:45