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......Tiistai 17.08.2010 23:38

Lisätodisteita Zhoumin homoudesta....

OH MY GOD!! *___________________________*

<3Maanantai 16.08.2010 00:39

"On the way home, Ryeowook is having a hard time controlling himself because Henry in the passenger's seat next to him is lapping and sucking at his Popsicle vigorously and making soft and mewling noises as a sign of contentment and he is so oblivious to how much he is turning on his hyung who is trying his best to ignore him and focus on driving. Henry makes an unintentional but exceptionally loud moan as he licks a thick stripe up the Popsicle and Ryeowook's eyes are shifting back and forth from Henry and the road ahead and he is twisting uncomfortably in his seat at how tight his pants has suddenly become. Damn lucky Popsicle."

Mit??Sunnuntai 15.08.2010 22:16

Mite tästä pysty tulee normaali?

MIKÄ ALIEN TÄÄ ON!!!!!???????Sunnuntai 15.08.2010 22:13

Sori Heechul xD

EI SAATANA!!!! KUOLIN KENTIES!!!!Sunnuntai 15.08.2010 22:09


Ompas ruma lapsi xDDSunnuntai 15.08.2010 21:59

Unelma parilleni tuli ruma lapsi xDD

:3Perjantai 13.08.2010 23:54

mässyn mässyn feat noora :3

Ai vittu!Perjantai 13.08.2010 00:59

Ostin vähä aikaa sit Nivean HELLÄVARAISEN silmämeikin poistoainee ja voihan vittu.
  • Mun silmiä kirveltää
  • ne punertaa hitusen nyt
  • kirvelee edelleen vaikka huuhtelin
  • ei poista mun meikkejä ku ainoastaa hirveellä hankauksella.

Joo... niin tosiaan suosin vedenkestävii meikkejä btw..