


Games are worthless if the hours spent in them aren't priceless.

Nää on vaa vitun hauskoja :DLauantai 20.10.2012 07:03

"You´ve lost weight? Look around I think you find it"
"Vickie is so fat that her baby pictures were taken via satelite"
"Hey John! John! John! Did you know that when god said "let there be light" he had to ask Vickie step out of the way first"

Parhautta <3Tiistai 16.10.2012 05:49

Bugaa!Perjantai 12.10.2012 01:57


WWE TV-14 Intro <3Sunnuntai 07.10.2012 09:00

Tämä pitäisi ehdottomasti saada takaisin WWE:hen.. Ja WWE takas TV-14 (:

<3Perjantai 05.10.2012 04:51

Mm ajankohtaista :c ...Torstai 04.10.2012 03:59

Sitting in the dark, I can't forget
Even now, I realize the time I'll never get
Another story of the bitter pills of fate
I can't go back again, I can't go back again

But you asked me to love you and I did
Traded my emotions for a contract to commit
And when I got away I only got so far
The other me is dead, I hear his voice inside my head

And we were never alive and we won't be born again
But I'll never survive with dead memories in my heart
Dead memories in my heart
Dead memories in my heart

You told me to love you and I did
Tied my soul into a knot and got me to submit
So when I got away I only kept my scars
The other me is gone now I don't know where I belong

And we were never alive and we won't be born again
But I'll never survive with dead memories in my heart
Dead memories in my heart
Dead memories in my heart
Dead memories in my heart

Dead visions in your name
Dead fingers in my veins

Dead memories in my heart
Dead memories in my heart
Dead memories in my heart
Dead memories in my heart


Nothing but truth.. (Ankkst)Maanantai 01.10.2012 18:28

I'm too tired of this life
Another day passed me by
Another day filled with pain
And I have learned that living is just a slow way to die
I do not believe in life anymore.
No-one can see the emptiness in my eyes.
I want to die
But really... I am already dead

Jirppa sori kopsaus, mut tää vaan kuvaa mun laiffii.
On olemassa yksi ihminen, jostä välitän eri tavalla kuin muista. Tämä ihminen on mukava, hauska, kiva, ihana ja kaikkea hyvää. Tuskin ajettelen mitään muuta kuin häntä. Toivon vain, että voisin nähdä hänet. Olla hänen kanssaan. Nauraa hänen kanssaan. Puhua hänen kanssaan. Toivon, että se yksi ihminen lukisi tämän ja ymmärtäisi, että tarkoitan häntä. ♥

Eddie Guerrero - Chair trick of DQPerjantai 07.09.2012 23:37

Coca-cola♥Keskiviikko 05.09.2012 02:58

Yritetään lopettaa colanjuontia ja laihduttaa. Odota ...
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Tapahtui virhe. Toiminnon suorittaminen mahdotonta..
Lisää tämä blogiisi jos olet Coca-Cola addikti ♥