


On tottunut saamaan kaiken. Roosa=yäk
Mun asia tais sitten ollakki siinä.

Blame it on the girls.Keskiviikko 14.10.2009 01:29

So i was sitting at the bar and this guy came up to me and he said: 'My life stinks'
and i saw his gold creditcard and I saw the way he was looking at people across the room
and i looked at his face and you know a quite good looking face and i just said: 'Dude, your perspective on life sucks'
Perjantai: Official Library day

Lauantai: Suprise Saturday (next one is Origamis)

Sunnuntai: Official Rock Band day (tai nyt Guitar hero 5 ku rock band vedettii jo läpi)

On tää mun elämä jännää ja mielenkiintosta.
Tänään olin kirjastossa koko päivän ja sielt suoraa kattoo Star Trekkii.
Huomenna kirjastoon kello 12.00 ja himassa ehkä 19.00 sit ehkä Star Trekkii.
Keskiviikkona kouluu, torstaina kirjastoon, perjantaina kirjastoon, lauantaina origameja ja sunnuntaina guitar heroo <3

Spock Obama Part IISunnuntai 11.10.2009 17:23

Spoc Obama.Lauantai 10.10.2009 18:58

WOW. U can prove?Perjantai 09.10.2009 15:18

So /b/ I come to you with yet another problem. My friend is going to die in less then 1 year. He was diagnosed with lung cancer and they removed parts already but they could not stop it.

I have asked him a handful of times to accept jesus into his heart and to live a good rest of a his life but he still refuses. He now moved to California and is getting "legal" weed. This is directly against any teaching of the Lord Jesus and I told him he needs to stop.

I told him if he accepts jesus and prays really hard , jesus will restore his lungs and keep him alive. He ignores me. Me and my youth pastor has decided its time to intervene his life and we are gonna take him to Christ Zone 2009 in November.

I am sure this will change his mind on smoking weed and turn to jesus. No christian has ever died to cancer or will if they are true to jesus/god and they practice it correctly.

Memories.Perjantai 09.10.2009 01:44

Uus latasin Duke Nukemin 3D version<3
Ku sitä aitoa ja alkuperäistä 2D versiota ei saa vissii Vistalle, ainakaa mä en löytäny :'<
Muistan ne ihanat ajat ku pelasin sitä ala-asteella <3

Rock, paper, scissors, Spock, LizardKeskiviikko 07.10.2009 00:36

It's an simple game:

Scissors cuts paper, paper covers rock, rock crushes lizard, lizard poisons Spock, Spock smashes scissors, scissors decapitates lizard, lizard eats paper, paper disproves Spock, Spock vaporizes rock, rock crushes scissors.

OH NO YOU DIDNT!!!Tiistai 06.10.2009 22:15


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