


Loveless start ~ Loveless end.

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 22.12.2012 05:05

Take the box throw it down
Open the lid watch the fire
Everything sealed up in and I let it go
Right in front of your eyes

I cut it all up again
I twisted the knife in my heart
Just to bleed it all out and see how you react
Blood is spreading forming a puddle

You avoid it like a plague, jumping on the tables to keep it away
You can't handle it unless you're halfway drunk
I spit it all out on your face
I want to hear what you have to say

Next time it will be too late
I'll finally throw the dagger out of my way
You say you cried
Next morning you can't even remember I tried

To make you see
To have you feel
I've said it all
Was no joke behind it

Now I see you don't care
You just can't let go but you can turn away
Left me disarrayed, false hope, everything now denied
Blinded through all the chains

1 down 1000 to go
Feeling eased enough to let the wound heal
I wish I never talked

But then again it made me see
How blind and dull you really feel

A shade of the past I shall continue to be
Since you can't let go of the history


[Ei aihetta]Torstai 20.12.2012 03:31

Luonnollinen hiustenväri:
[ ] Ruskea - 10.00€
[ ] Blondi/Vaaleat - 7.50€
[ ] Musta - 1.50€
[ ] Kalju - 0.50€
[x] Muu - 5.00€

Silmien väri:
[ ] Ruskea - 5.00€
[ ] Vihreä - 10.00€
[x] Sininen - 15.00€
[ ] Sekaväri (ruskea-vihreä yms) - 7.50€
[ ] Muu - 1.50€

[ ] Yli 200cm - 20.00€
[ ] 190-200cm - 17.50€
[ ] 180-190cm - 15.00€
[x] 170-180cm - 7.50€
[ ] 160-170cm - 8.50€
[ ] Alle 160cm - 9.50€

[ ] 50-56v. - 17.50€
[ ] 46-50v. - 15.00€
[ ] 41-45v. - 12.50€
[ ] 31-40v. - 10.00€
[ ] 26-30v. - 7.50€
[x] 21-25v. - 5.00€
[ ] 19-20v. - 2.50€
[ ] 0-18v. - 10.00€

[ ] Kaksonen tai enemmän (kolmonen jne.)- $75.00
[x] Vanhin - 32.00€
[ ] Ainoa lapsi - 25.00€
[ ] Toiseksi vanhin - 15.00€
[ ] Keskivanha - 10.00€
[ ] Nuorin - 10.00€
[ ] Kolmanneksi vanhin - 55.00€
[ ] Neljänneksi vanhin - 30.00€
[ ] Viidenneksi vanhin - 40.00€
[ ] Kuudenneksi vanhin -21.50€

Juotko alkoholia?
[ ] Olen ottanut vain yhden - 40.00€
[ ] Vain lomalla ja tapahtumissa - 25.00€
[x] Välillä - 21.50€
[ ] KYLLÄ - 20.00€
[ ] Vain viikonloppuisin - 30.00€
[ ] Joka toinen päivä - 5.00€
[ ] Kerran päivässä - 1.50€
[ ] Elän juomalla - €Pankkiryöstö€ Hinta nollaantuu. [0€]
[ ] En - 60.00€

[x] Täydellinen (ei laseja tai piilareita..) - 40.00€
[ ] Tarvitsen/omistan lasit tai piilarit, mutta en käytä - 20.00€
[ ] Ei kummallista tietoa :D - 10.00€
[ ] Lasit - 5.00€
[ ] Piilolinssit - 2.50€
[ ] Tehty laserleikkaus - 10.00€

[ ] Yli 50 - 30.00€
[ ] 45-50 - 25.00€
[x] 40-45 - 40.00€
[ ] 35-40 - 50.00€
[ ] Alle 35- 45.00€

Lempivärit (valitse kaksi):
[x] Vihreä - 75.00€
[ ] Punainen - 60.00€
[ ] Musta - 10.00€
[ ] Keltainen -47.50€
[x] Ruskea - 30.00€
[ ] Violetti/Lila - 22.50€
[ ] Valkoinen - 40.00€
[ ] Turkoosi - 35.00€
[ ] Oranssi - 30.00€
[ ] Sininen - 30.00€
[ ] Pinkki - 10.00€
[ ] Muu - 50.00€

Toisen nimesi alkukirjain:
[x] A-F - 5.00€
[ ] G-K - 17.50€
[ ] L-P - 30.00€
[x] Q-U - 35.00€
[ ] V-Z - 25.00€

Oman huoneesi tapetin/seinän väri:
[x] Valkoinen - 11.00€
[ ] Vihreä - 33.00€
[ ] Musta - 11.00€
[ ] Violetti/Lila - 22.00€
[ ] Oranssi/Punainen/Keltainen - 33.00€
[ ] Sininen - 22.00€
[ ] Muu - 35.00€

Henkilön nimen alkukirjan, jonka kanssa puhuit viimeksi.
[ ] A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I - 10.00€
[ ] J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R - 5.00€
[x] S,T,U,V,W,X,Y, - 20.00€
[ ] Z,Å,Ä,Ö - 25.00€
€ 288,50

Laskitko päässäsi?
[ ] En - 0.00€
[x] Kyllä - 100.00€
[ ] Hieman - 75.00€

442€, ei paljoo kotiorja maksa.

Forbidden FruitKeskiviikko 19.12.2012 15:50

The reason bible tells as the banishment from Eden
To me, a simple being
A cat shows the reality why
After the apple human mind became twisted and craving for more
Thinking of what could be instead of just living the life
Given the chance to predict and stress about the future
Fall inside the devil's insanity
Everything it can grant and once it has the hold of you
It can hold you through environment, lures, blood or them all

My cat
Unlike any person, and I tend to think it as a person to me
It has stressed over when I left
It has mourned the nights I was gone
After all these months
Now that I come back for a few weeks
It doesn't want anything more of me
It hasn't changed at all

It still asks for food 2 times a day
It still wants me to pet it 2-4 times/day
And once right before I'm about to fall asleep
It is happy when I solve all the clods in its fur
Ain't asking anything more
Biggest issue for it is "Hey where did your hand disappear? o_o"

Comes sleeping next to me during the nights
Unless it has spent all the day dozing off somewhere

Something we humans lack
We change
We always change somehow
Some survive their whole life with minor changes
I guess I'll just say I'm happy for them
They are the true angels walking on earth

We want more day by day its inside everyone
You may want stuff or then you want more love

Right now it just makes me cry
My cat has been the unchanging thing for all these years
Only thing it wants, is that I'd live with it
And share my food with it, which I won't
Then it steals it by sneezing on it or leaving a pile of hair on it

The forbidden fruit we humans tasted
Was wanting more
And because of that
We march to our own downfall
We only want to proceed further
Never learned to "stop"

Build larger and larger cities
Crave for more wealth in every aspect

What if earth is Eden, what if we have halfway destroyed it
Maybe someone else in history's books just saw too much coming
I'd wish to share thoughts with that person
But I can't, since s/he's dead and buried millenniums ago

Through all this, my only remaining thoughts are
What is the purpose of this body
Why do I keep on breathing
Why does its heart keep on ticking
Why am I seeing through these eyes
Hearing everything happening around
Why to feel everything that the senses react to

A sack of liquids and chemicals
Yet in its terms, alive

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 17.12.2012 14:10



I feel like a small cat leaping around just to catch a laser dot

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 16.12.2012 01:00


[VoS]KaMiKaZe: I love the new pic u just uploaded :D
[VoS]KaMiKaZe: looks just like u
TenKaze: Oh why thank you
[VoS]KaMiKaZe: You're welcome. I forgot to say I love what you done to your hair
[VoS]KaMiKaZe: xD
TenKaze: x,D

Holy JudgementLauantai 15.12.2012 23:59

~ You never gave your reasons to leave, you kept it all inside, the error I'm trying to correct. Yet all I hear is laughter and I reflex laugh with them. Everyone thinks it a joke. I can't shake the feeling I'm following you straight to hell. Everything I learned from you, then you showed not even that was enough. From your wishes you gained the opposite. Spirit of the joker follows our family around. ~

Lay down your sword knight
For tonight you face death you prayed to take your life
Your honor too heavy to bear
Chains created by divine just to keep you in line

Did what you felt right
Never slayed your opponent
Even the so said evil deserves to heal
Correct the faults but you know it never regains the good inside

"Your honor will kill you"
Words echoing in the dark
As death is reaping tonight

How does it feel to live a dream
When there's no one sharing the fear
Tomorrow is never certain
For someone rising their sword up to reach sky

Songs of the past, you let them flow

Never tried to stop the, river's flow

Wind giving your direction, when you're blind

You refuse to speak up your own mind

Should you think otherwise
It's already too late, so please just don't cry
Because Death came to say goodbye

UndergroundsLauantai 15.12.2012 23:01

It starts with normal scenery
Nothing wrong everything so clear
I wish I could say I was alright and really mean it

A glimpse of here and there

It's like unstable napalm
Glint of light turns to spark
I find myself in the hell fire again

Melting blades and fire

The steel cuts feel
Initiating the burn
From the heated blade

Unrecognized hidden trauma

I shatter to pieces
I scream for the pain
I fall crying for there's nothing to gain

Key to open the Pandora's box

The fear, the sorrow
The fury, the pain
Take me by surprise, their coming untold

So I fall disabled

I wish I could say I was alright and really mean it
Nothing wrong everything so clear
It starts with normal scenery

I attack myself without a reason
Can't see what causes this treason
I wish I could say I was alright and really mean it

~ So I find myself singing the song of the sirens. So I could fall asleep under the steaming shower. Wishing it would cleanse all this. Burn my skin away. I never felt like I confessed my feelings. Letting the words out didn't help. Doing something would just turn the daggers in the wounds for both. Last words were "I'm okay now". So I force believe them, I keep my oath. I dare not challenge Destiny... ~


"I wish that I could fly, way up in the sky, like a bird so high, oh I might just try"

~ Primary set: Riki < Ten < Me < Automaton
Control set positive: 1. Riki 2. Me 3. Ten 4. Automaton
Reverse set depression: 1. Me 2. Ten 3. Riki 4. Automaton
Sealed set lockdown: 1. Automaton 2. Ten 3. Me 4. Riki

When you hide your problems no one suspects a thing. When you scream them out loud you're laughed at, you're alright. I'm starting to give up hope for finding the sorceress, mastermind who is to control all of them. ~

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 14.12.2012 23:37

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 14.12.2012 18:49

Bwaaaaaaaaaaa, taas kaupungilla oli toripäivä ja kauhee ryysis. Jossain Land Roveris oli vanhempaa bensa mallia... Kheee ku rauhotti ja tuoksu hyvälle.
Pystyn ignoraa kaiken mitä ympärillä liikkuu ja tapahtuu, mutta rupee särkee päätä. Helpompi vaa automaattisesti kattoo kaikki läpi. Maanantaina Lappeenrantaan joulupöytiä tyhjentämään, buahhaha.
(V) (;,,;) (V) < Today I learned to make Dr. Zoidberg


~ I don't know what this feeling is. Anguished, waiting, nervous, like something is to happen. Can't concentrate, disabled. I have no reason for it yet it haunts me. I feel like throwing up. I feel accelerated. Yet so much lack in information. Can't breathe. Yet I'm not passing out. The hell is this. ~

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 14.12.2012 01:24

Elämä saattais olla helpompaa ilman persoona jakaumaa. Ehkä...
Yks on kauheen varautunu, melkei äkäsen olone.
Toine on helvetin impulsiivinen, pirtee, nolo, mitä helvettiä mä oon tekemässä.
Kolmas sit taas vaan kauheen analyyttinen.
Ja neljäs on jokin automaatio jonka ajasta en muista mitään.

Apua? Hain jo. Ei auta. Vaikutan liian... normaalilta.
Skitso? Nope..

Onpahan lähes jokainen päivä jossain määrin erilainen, eahhaehaeh.

Entäpä jos kaks päätä katkeaa... Oonko sitten normaali?
Vai tunnenko itteni vajaaksi?
Sen näkee sitten tapauksessa JOS

Mutta kaikista paras ratkaisu on ehkä lopettaa turhien toiveiden herättely yhtään mistään, mihinkään suuntaan.

~ When I used to pray, I prayed. And I received a guardian angel. When I stopped believing, I received a dragon's embrace. Third I felt like I couldn't go on, days passed by, with no memory of them. Automated, animated puppet... How can 1 L bottle hold 4 L... 4 souls homed in 1 vessel... Should've... Blown up...~