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unitulkinnat on hienojaLauantai 12.03.2011 15:03

Mä tykkään näist unitulkinnoista. :---D Saapahan ainakin jotain huumoriarvoa, jos ei muuta.

"To dream that you are wielding a sword, represents your strength, ambition, competitive nature decisiveness and willpower. You are looking to hold a position of prestige, authority, and distinction. Alternatively, the sword may be seen as a phallic symbol and thus represent masculine power."

"To see a gun in your dream, symbolizes aggression, anger, and potential danger. You may be dealing with issues of passiveness/aggressiveness and authority/dependence. Alternatively, a gun represents the penis and male sexual drive."

"To dream that you are watching anime, represents your carefree attitude."


Näin muutenkin viimeyönä jotain hienoa Naruto-unta, joka oli aika epic. :'''d Hinata tappo Deidaran liukuovien väliin. öhöhöhö. Mäkin olin joku random hahmo tossa tarinassa, mut enhän mä enää muista, kuka.

"To dream that you are an anime character, suggests that you need to be more expressive. You need to convey your emotions more clearly."

no shit.

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