


“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.”


- Vanhemmat »

Wyrd - Henkien YössäSunnuntai 04.07.2010 00:43

Sanat katoaa paperilta
Peilikään ei enää katso silmiin
Jokainen hetki satuttaa
Ja Rota punoo verkkoaan

Tahdon kadota
Tanssia kera aaveiden
Läpi varjojen
Henkien yössä

Ajatukset ovat turhia
Asiat tapahtuvat vailla tarkoitusta
Jokainen hetki satuttaa
Rota kiristää solmujaan

Tahdon kadota
Tanssia kera aaveiden
Läpi varjojen
Henkien yössä

Tahdon kadota
Lipua ääneti
Läpi huoneiden
Kylmänä henkäyksenä
Jostain saapuvasta

Näillä kylmillä korpimailla
Sarastus ei jaksa karkoittaa yötä

Ei tulevaisuutta jota odottaa
Ei menneisyyttä jota katua
Ei meidänlaisillemme
Yöllisille, Rotan lapsille

Stam1na - Elämän tarkoitusMaanantai 28.06.2010 03:20

Lapsena kerrottiin: jos tuijottaa kiveä, voi nähdä sen kasvavan, hengittävän ja elävän
Tuijotin aikani, onneksi pettyen oivalsin: kasvoin ja hengitin itse. Opetuksen sisäistin

Kiveen hakatut iäiset lauseet opettavat lapsenuskoa
Vanhat asettavat vastaukset: "Kättä ylös jos on kysyttävää"

Jotkut pyhittävät kirjoitusten jumaluuden
Teko ei näe viisautta vaihtoehtojen
Järki on kysyä, luonto ja tiede valita
Olemme lenkkeinä ketjussa hetken ja siinä kaikki

Ihminen on yksi ja kaksinkin yksin
Tulevaisuus on määrämätön
On siis oikein rakentaa, eikä vain tuhota ja väittää olevansa oikeammassa kuin muut

Se, minkä kehdosta mukanasi kannat, sinut on opetettu uskomaan
Odotat vapautta hautaan saakka, jonotat, koska on tapana niin
Olet kasvatettu tuote, takuuna ikuinen elämä tai luvattu maa

Kumarrat voimaa ja valtaa ja kunniaa
Kumarrat lapsen lailla uskontoa

Niille, jotka opettavat ajo-ohjeita, voidaan suositella valtatietä helvettiin
Ja niille, jotka odottavat vastauksia, kirkkoja, temppeleitä, satulinnoja

Minä menen omin jaloin
Minä menen maisemareittiä

En usko sieluun, en usko vastakohtaan
Elämän pelko on ainoa petoni

Mikä on se kysymys, mihin ei ollut vastausta?

Nightwish - Dead boy's poemKeskiviikko 16.06.2010 03:41

Born from silence, silence full of it
A perfect concert my best friend
So much to live for, so much to die for
If only my heart had a home

Sing what you can`t say
Forget what you can`t play

Hasten to drown into beautiful eyes
Walk within my poetry, this dying music
- My loveletter to nobody

Never sigh for better world
It`s already composed, played and told

Every thought the music I write
Everything a wish for the night

Wrote for the eclipse, wrote for the virgin
Died for the beauty the one in the garden
Created a kingdom, reached for the wisdom
Failed in becoming a god

Never sigh...

"If you read this line, remember not the hand that wrote it
Remember only the verse, songmaker`s cry, the one without tears
For I`ve given this its strength and it has become my only strength.
Comforting home, mother`s lap, chance for immortality
Where being wanted became a thrill I never knew
The sweet piano writing down my life"

"Teach me passion for I fear it`s gone
Show me love, hold the lorn
So much more I wanted to give to the ones who love me
I`m sorry
Time will tell (this bitter farewell)
I live no more to shame nor me nor you

And you... I wish I didn`t feel for you anymore..."

A lonely soul... An ocean soul...

?Tiistai 08.06.2010 16:53

Will I ever learn?
What I don't recall I will repeat

Have you ever been hurt?
Have you ever been abandoned?
Have you ever been truly scared?
Have you ever felt you don't belong here?
Have you ever felt like you don't have a home?
Have you ever felt you don't have a chance?


Draconian - Not BreathingLauantai 05.06.2010 02:01

You look so calm, are you sleeping?
I'm closing the door to our illusion
Where I lost myself in windswept dreams...
Two worlds so far apart

I remember when I gave her my Eden...
From this dry land ardour now sleeps forsaken
All the fear inside of me that I don't want her to see;
Will overwhelm this life and feed my hopeless strife

And she came to me; Insomnia
Pounding in my chest...
Oh... Lay my soul to rest!

Her heart like lacuna and lacerated wings,
Burning inside the echo of our dead union
I'd like to rest inside the core of your very soul,
'Cause your eyes are deeper, much deeper than any well!

But she stayed with me; Insomnia
She paralyzed my heart
And tore it apart

I know I'm alive, but not breathing...
Can you see me?
And you know how I tried. Please believe me!
Can you hear me?

My eyes, my soul... The scars inside afflicted
On my own, by the world outside,

Where love lies starving on the ground

I know I'm alive, but not breathing...
Can you touch me?
And you know how I tried. Please believe me!
Will you love me?

Norther - DreamTiistai 01.06.2010 19:33

I saw a dream that can't be real
It takes me to my mind

Now look inside this evil dream of mine
I left you dying in the rain
Now you feel my fucking pain
You know I am insane
But in the end it's all the same

In this dream I am only real
Take my hand and fly with me again tonight
Far away in the shining moonlight
We are forever and together we will die

Now you are dead and gone
I won't cry no more for you
I don't know why I'm going on
Now I am turning back for you
You are dead, it's all so true
After all this dream was real now
It's only pain I feel
Let me go!

Sentenced - FragilePerjantai 21.05.2010 23:38

So many times I have brought you down
that I have already lost all count
and I seem to be doing it again
No matter how hard I have tried
I have crumbled time after time
and kept failing in the end

Sometimes it feels it would be better for you all
If I ceased to exist or was never born at all

So many times I have let you down
shadowed the shine of our sun
and drowned you in tears and misery
that it is hard for me to see

how you can after all these years
still be standing by me

Sometimes it feels it would be better for us all
If I ceased to exist or was never born at all
Sometimes it feels it would be easier to fall
than to flutter in the air with these wings so weak and torn

Veri kiehuu haava on avoinPerjantai 21.05.2010 12:34

Revi minut
Revi kokonaan
Revi auki, vaikken tahtoiskaan


Tuonen orjat sisään astuu riisumatta saappaitaan
Onnen hetket sirpaleiset säälimättä vievät mukanaan...


Pelkäät yksinäisyyttä, minä että vierees jään
Kavahdan kosketusta, jos et irti päästäisikään
Kuuletko soiton, kuulet väärin


Why did it have to be so hard
For us to live our lives
Again I reach out in the dark in despair

End of an EraSunnuntai 09.05.2010 22:31

Joo ei tarvii edes kysyä.

Hajotuttaa.. >.<Torstai 06.05.2010 20:17

Ensiferum - Tears

Shadows of evening on a traveller's way
Destiny tells where the strange path will lead you
Alone I've been walking this path every day
Under the stars and the white silver moon
I hear a song and I'm closing my eyes
While it's sound is carresing my poor and sad mind
Will you tonight give your promise to me
For one day the silence will sleep in your dreams

I've been waiting for so long time
To see the light of golden bright sun
I feel no sorrow in the heart of mine
For the tears of life are now gone

Winds are whispering in the sacred forest
Dancing and singing with the red autumn leaves
These memories I could never forget
With rising sun I shall be here with thee
- Vanhemmat »