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    You can stop at enough and
    go no further, satisfied
    with being just another
    name on the teamsheet.

    Or you could be their
    worst nightmare.

    The one who can turn a
    game in an instant.

    Who gladly takes the
    penalty in the last
    Who not only bleeds for
    his team but bleeds into

    The one that sees the pass
    that no one else sees,
    makes the fault that turns
    desperate defence into
    decisive attack.

    Who turns doubt into
    belief. A bus ride home
    spent in silence into one
    spent in deafening

    Be the one that they worry
    about before the tip-off.

    Be the one they want
    injured in the warm-up.
    Who blurs the line between
    hate and respect.
    Who can never be stopped,
    only feared.

    Make your mark on each and
    every game. Today.
    Tomorrow. In training.Next